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JYJ's Junsu to play 'L' in the 'Death Note' musical

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It was called JYJ's Junsu to play 'L' in the 'Death Note' musical |
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
JYJ\'s Junsu to play \'L\' in the \'Death Note\' musical
JYJ\'s Junsu will be taking the role of the genius detective L from \'Death Note\'!
The upcoming \'Death Note\' musical revealed their cast, and Junsu has been cast as none other than L.
Hong Kwang Ho has been cast as the leading role Yagami Light, Jung Sun Ah has been cast as Amane Misa, Park Hye Na will be playing Rem, while Kang Hong Suk will be acting as Ryuk.
SEE ALSO: [Drama Review] \'The Girl Who Can See Smells\' - Episode 2
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another song from the musical - my second favourite so far
Omg a musical of Death Note? Why I haven\'t born in Korea? T^T
the success of the musical in Japan and Korea will determine whethere or not there will be a broadway show!
i keep replaying this song - it\'s so good! I can\'t wait to hear the Korean version!
No lie, I\'ve listened to it more than 10 times today. It\'s just awesome!
I like Death Not\'s Japanese actors more.
Ofc who doesn´t like the original movie, but this is musical, though.
UMMM YESSSSS!!!! I would seriously fly to Korea (OR ANYWHERE) to watch anything Death Note related~ one of my fav animes
Junsu fit any role. Don´t forget that he is multitalent. And the fact that he played and portrayed the Death in Elizabeth makes me think he fit the role even better. But this time L is going to sing in the musicals so don´t expect he is going to be all mud.
Yesyesyesyes!!!!!   A new musical.   Is death note good tho?    I\'ve never watch it......
Girl u didnt watched death note seriously!! Go watch it its the one of the best anime you will love it
Tbh for me Junsu doesn\'t fit the role of L at all... But at the same time I\'m so excited because Junsu+musicals is love. I just wish he would act in Dracula 2 or something. He was so great as a leather wearing vampire with red hair :D
i never saw death note before   guess i have to watch the movie  cause i feel ignorant 
@Misti01 There is actually a movie version too with real japanese actors. But anime version is the best.
As it turns out, the Japanese \'Death Note\' actually opens today April 6th in about an hour or so lol
@cassiopeiacry I know, but creepy in a good way lol. I watched a short interview from him and he\'s just a cutie
Personally I would have preferred Jaejoong to play L.
In all honesty the main leads should really be teenagers.
Jaejoong doesn\'t even do musicals..So, realistically, though resemblance is a criteria, ppl can still be made to look the part with the right wardrobe, hairstyle and make-up,..hence, the ability to perform on stage and the role would still take precedence..
it\'s a musical - there is no way the actors are teenagers. The voice and the acting presence are way more important than age and looks in musicals! ya, and I personally would like to see Junsu in a drama just because of the "seeing" part - when he is in musical we can only see cams from the curtain calls! there are no DVDs, only a CD..eventually... plus, I believe after all his musical he is as good as the other members now when it comes to acting! Do a drama, Junsu, or a movie! we would like to see more of you!
Yeah Jae fits the role of L,,, BUT... he doesn\'t even do musicals,, much better in movie..
It\'s a "professional" musical (they hired a world-acknowledged composer to do it) not some domestic musical for fanservice. And such musicals usually use adult actors because they have to be more proficient at singing.
@nerdsruntheworld He is an actor so the fact that he sings well. He is more than capable of combining the two. But that will not be possible for another 2 years anyway.
@phoenix444 being a singer doesn\'t necessarily mean one can do musicals..since idol/pop singing is very..VERY different from musical type singing..isn\'t it the same reason why Junsu became a big deal in the first place?
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