Coconut oil is an age old secret for promoting health and beauty, especially for the women who want to maintain hair and make their skin young. Wondering how coconut oil would keep the skin young, for many people think that it can clog the pores and trigger acne? Coconut oil is a natural product, and it is not any chemical ingredient that can impair your skin in the long run.

Here are some ways you can use this nature’s blessing for your skin.

1. The best makeup remover

Do not invest in chemicals for removing makeup, instead use coconut oil. This not only softly removes makeup with less fuss, but also improves the skin tone, and glow. It is a perfect fit for all types of skin, especially sensitive skin. Your skin will not face irritation or damage when you use this oil for removing the cosmetics you have used on the skin, thanks to the fatty acids. If you are looking for using this around the eyes, then you are right, for it is gentle and would not affect the eyes. Moreover, it can reduce dark circles too.

2. A moisturizer

A moisturizer for all types of skins is this oil. Lauric acid present in coconut oil penetrates quickly into the skin and keeps it hydrated.  It helps the skin to stay off from impurities and keeps the surface clean. To use this as a moisturizer, simply rub a few drops between the fingers. After washing the face with water and a soft towel, rub this oil on the face. After 10 minutes, remove excess oil with a soft tissue.

3. For treating skin blemishes and conditions

A wide range of skin conditions can be treated using coconut oil. Any allergic reaction, eczema, psoriasis, and lots others can be treated using this oil. The anti-inflammatory property of coconut oil helps in doing away the itch and redness caused by various skin conditions.

4. Acne treatment

It helps in bringing down the production of sebum, the root cause of acne. Coconut oil is rich in antibacterial properties that can reduce the inflammation, and reduce the bacteria on the skin. You need to, however, apply the coconut oil on a smaller area on the skin, to try if it works for you. Mixing it with an equal amount of tea tree oil, and applying daily can work wonders for your skin.

5. Keeps the skin wrinkle free

Lines and wrinkles show that you are aging, and it can be disturbing too. Collagen production is increased with application of coconut oil. This means the elasticity of the skin is boosted. Apparently, this helps in keeping off wrinkles. This also prevents premature aging.

6. The remedy for chapped lips

Cracked lips during the winters are terrible. Do not hunt for the creams in the draw, and instead apply coconut oil on the lips. Gently massage the oil for instant relief. This oil is solid at the room temperate, and you will not find it odd using this on lips.

7. Soothes sunburn

Sunburn can cause redness and discomfort. Apply this oil directly in the affected areas. This hydrates the skin, brings down the moisture and prevents the skin from the radiations of the sun.

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