
·July 2012 से फैन्पॉप कर रहे हैं

  • Female, 26 years old
  • संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका
  • Favorite Movie: Finding Nemo, This Is Us ❤️
    Favorite Musician: वन डायरेक्शन
    Favorite Book or Author: Harry Potter series ❤, Percy Jackson Series, Dare to Dream द्वारा 1D
मोज़ेक सूची

मेरे क्लब्स

मेरी दीवार

zar_far11 बारे मे कहा वन डायरेक्शन
हे guys I'm working on an लेख called 101 reasons why one direction=perfection. Would u read it when I post it? Got 40 done so far :D पोस्टेड एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
zar_far11 बारे मे कहा वन डायरेक्शन
Aaaah story of my life संगीत video AND behind the scenes vid was amazing!!! Loved it so much. I couldn't handle it, it was just too much <3 :) पोस्टेड एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
zar_far11 बारे मे कहा वन डायरेक्शन
Heyyyy Directioners. Check out the 'guess the lyric game' forum!!! Its fun you'll प्यार it, प्रॉप्स available. पोस्टेड एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
chloedrake टिप्पणी जोड़ा गया हे…
i totaly am in प्यार with harry styles he is mine girls एक साल  से अधिक पुराना