10 lifetime gold
Let Me Tell आप About MySelf I'am Not Scard To Die Been Thew So Much Shit SomeTimes I Wana Be In The Sky !!!! 😍😘💯
Muchi -Euw I'am The Big Bad Puertoin बार्बी कुतिया, मतलबी
·April 2010 से फैन्पॉप कर रहे हैं
- Female, 31 years old
- Bethlehem , Pennsylvania
- My Websites: salt_life, Dope _Travony, Jt-SwaggDope
- Favorite TV Show: American Horror StoresFavorite Musician: August Ailsina Sage The Gimini NICKI MINAJ,CHRIS BROWN, JUSTIN BIEBER, LIL WAYNE, LIL TWIST, DRAKE, J.COLE, KIRKO BANGZ :) < 3