invader cole

·June 2010 से फैन्पॉप कर रहे हैं

  • Male, 28 years old
  • Winter Haven, United States of America
  • Favorite TV Show: इनवेडर ज़िम
    Favorite Movie: invader zim season 1&2
    Favorite Musician: ऐमिनैम
    Favorite Book or Author: i dont have a fav book u stupid thing some people do not have a प्रिय book
मोज़ेक सूची

मेरे क्लब्स

मेरी दीवार

TomboySmart कहा …
If आप don't like China, then don't write it there. आप know our history of जापान and China? I dispise Japan, doesn't mean I hate it. जापान attacked China in in the 1930's and all they want is the Chinese emperor to marry a woman in जापान so they can rule over the land! पोस्टेड एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
jacktheskeleton कहा …