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arrow88 बारे मे कहा मारिया शारापोवा
Wish maria sharapova allvthe best,despite her having only abou 3 या 4 years in tennis,she still has served a ban for a few years imposed द्वारा a governing body-when she decides to call it a day,she should be able to look back satsfactorily on having accomplishments-she allready has many.love and kisses to her.☺👍💓.p vinod पोस्टेड एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
arrow88 बारे मे कहा Amala Paul
Have seen few of amla pauls फिल्में and her other project-she is sweet and has got pretty lips-will definitely go a long way in movies-because shes got what it takes to go a long distance.☺👍💓.vinod sorry आप had to divorce,love,miss amla paul. पोस्टेड एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
arrow88 बारे मे कहा Shruti Hassan
प्यार shruti hassan प्यार her younger sister Akshara hassan,mother sarika hassan -a favourite of mine-also like their father kamalhassan,let shruti hassan get her coveted roles-roles she desired पोस्टेड एक साल  से अधिक पुराना