Alex Keaton

·April 2018 से फैन्पॉप कर रहे हैं

  • Male, 28 years old
  • South Africa
  • Favorite TV Show: HTGAWM I'm a big प्रशंसक of Wes Gibbins (Alfie Enoch). He's my look-a-like. Also like Teen Wolf, Supernatural, and a lot of other TV shows.
    Favorite Movie: Anything from horror फिल्में to romantic comedies and musicals...You name it, I like it.
    Favorite Musician: Any song with a beat would do, but I like some strong African beat, thanks to my native, African roots.
    Favorite Book or Author: No, thanks! No और पुस्तकें for me!!! Had enough of पुस्तकें already. Gimme a break!
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मेरी दीवार

whatsupbugs के लिए प्रॉप्स दिया मुझे my comments
Merry क्रिस्मस to a wonderful friend पोस्टेड ·8महीने पहले
superboy16 के लिए प्रॉप्स दिया मुझे my videos
And yes, I'm still married. He's not घर today. That's what आप get when आप marry a jealous guy! I had no idea just how jealous he was, until we got married and then it was already too late! What about you? पोस्टेड ·11महीने पहले
superboy16 के लिए प्रॉप्स दिया मुझे my answers
I'm not in here that much, but I came back today. It's been so long since I was on this site the last time. पोस्टेड ·11महीने पहले