1,504 lifetime gold
“The Free Spirit Follows The Path Of The Lone Wolf." ♥
·February 2009 से फैन्पॉप कर रहे हैं
- Female, 32 years old
- Barnsley, United Kingdom
- My Website: DeviantART
- Favorite TV Show: Wolf's Rain,The Big Bang Theory, The Inbetweeners, Family GuyFavorite Movie: The Lion King, The Last Samurai, Studio Ghibli, Underworld, Spirit Stallion of the CimarronFavorite Musician: Rihanna, Beyonce, Christina Aguleria, Classic डिज़्नीFavorite Book or Author: Raised द्वारा Wolves, The Morganville Vampires, Inheritence Quadriology,The Last Dragon Chronicles
मेरी दीवार

Any chance I could get आप to vote and maybe leave a टिप्पणी दे in this डिज़्नी मतदान I made here:
I'm trying to get as many Fanpoppers to vote and your vote could really help a lot :) I'd really appreciate it as every little vote counts :) पोस्टेड एक साल से अधिक पुराना
I'm trying to get as many Fanpoppers to vote and your vote could really help a lot :) I'd really appreciate it as every little vote counts :) पोस्टेड एक साल से अधिक पुराना