0 lifetime gold
I'll set आप to the अगला world with this: X100 Big Bang Kamehameha
Super Gogeta
·February 2013 से फैन्पॉप कर रहे हैं
- Male, 24 years old
- Planet Earth
- My Website: http://www.gamespot.com
- Favorite TV Show: Dragon Ball Z (GT saga), Fatmagul (its a turkish drama) and Barnyard.Favorite Movie: Megamind, Despicable me, Resident Evil, Transformers, The Matrix and घर Alone.Favorite Musician: Linkin Park, There For Tomorrow, क्वीन and ऐमिनैम (P.S. i hate justin bieber).Favorite Book or Author: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid (by Jeff Kinney), गूसबम्प्स Horror Land (by R.L.Stine).
मेरी दीवार
बारे मे कहा बिना सोचे समझे …
who likes pink? i know i do!
पोस्टेड एक साल से अधिक पुराना
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