1. आप start looking for shippings on डिज़्नी कार्टून like Toy Story O.O
2. याओइ turns up in your dreams and they tell आप they want to get married! (it happened to me w/Ikkaku and Yumichika from Bleach!)
3. आप see the perfect pairing in two of your closest guy friends....
4.You start watching Will and Grace (I do O.O)
5. आप almost smash your TV because the two "friends" get married at the end of the series and the याओइ couple आप shipped was thrown to the side. (ex. Edward x Winrey - seriously, Brotherhood upset me. EDROY ALL THE WAY!)
6. आप find LOVING meaning in the smallest of incidents.
and many, many, others....O.O
2. याओइ turns up in your dreams and they tell आप they want to get married! (it happened to me w/Ikkaku and Yumichika from Bleach!)
3. आप see the perfect pairing in two of your closest guy friends....
4.You start watching Will and Grace (I do O.O)
5. आप almost smash your TV because the two "friends" get married at the end of the series and the याओइ couple आप shipped was thrown to the side. (ex. Edward x Winrey - seriously, Brotherhood upset me. EDROY ALL THE WAY!)
6. आप find LOVING meaning in the smallest of incidents.
and many, many, others....O.O