Xion Club
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added by KairiShikki
added by Xion_Shion
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Kohaku-ume Kazuki9484
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: kohaku-ume.deviantart.com/art/… :iconotzipai-art: :iconkohaku-ume: :icondisneyplz: :i
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Disney, Square Enix, Kazuki9484/Otzipai-art, Tetsuya Noumra
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Tetsuya Nomura
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Tetsuya Nomura
added by KairiShikki
added by stevensmorgan22
added by KairiShikki
added by Xion_Shion
added by Xion_Shion
added by Xion_Shion
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: kohaku-ume.deviantart.com/art/… :iconotzipai-art: :iconkohaku-ume: :icondisneyplz: :i
added by RRBZ
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Tetsuya Nomura
On 30th of May 358/2 Days was released in जापान and it answerd the सवाल about who Xion is

*Spoilers start here*

She is not actually a Nobody, but a doll created द्वारा Xemnas from Sora's leaked memories. Her face was based off of Sora's strongest memory, Kairi, but as Naminé pieced together Sora's memories, she began to physically look like Sora.

The plan was for Xion to eventually become a complete Sora replica, due to the fact that Xemnas was unsure if he could rely on the actual Sora to gather him enough hearts for Kingdom Hearts. Eventually she would have had to absorb Roxas to become whole, and if that were to happen, the original Sora would never awaken. Eventually she is absorbed द्वारा Roxas instead, thus giving him the ability to duel-wield.

*Spoilers end here*

In my opinion a completely original storyline.

What do आप think
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Square Enix Tetsuya Nomura DeviantART