वॉल्ट डिज़्नी के चरित्र Updates

a video जोड़ा गया था: चोटी, शीर्ष 10 डिज़्नी Characters Who Are Genuinely EVIL ·3दिन पहले by jasamfan23
a comment was made to the poll: ★ डिज़्नी Character of the महीना - Which do आप like better of Megara? ★ ·3दिन पहले by IsabelaWatson
a comment was made to the poll: प्रिय sympathetic character? ·3दिन पहले by IsabelaWatson
a comment was made to the poll: Mickey, Donald या Goofy which is your favorite? ·3दिन पहले by IsabelaWatson
a comment was made to the poll: ★ डिज़्नी Character of the महीना - क्वीन Grimhilde: Elegant Evil क्वीन या Ugly Old Witch? ·3दिन पहले by IsabelaWatson
a comment was made to the poll: ★ डिज़्नी Character of the महीना - Do आप think Esmeralda took it too far द्वारा teasing Judge Claude Frollo at the Festival of Fools? ★ ·3दिन पहले by IsabelaWatson
a comment was made to the poll: ★ डिज़्नी Character of the महीना - Would आप like to read the Official डिज़्नी Character विवरण of Esmeralda? ★ ·3दिन पहले by IsabelaWatson
a comment was made to the article: The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: Esmeralda ·3दिन पहले by IsabelaWatson
a comment was made to the poll: ★ डिज़्नी Character of the महीना - If आप were Esmeralda, would आप have left Notre Dame after आप had sanctuary? ★ ·3दिन पहले by IsabelaWatson
a comment was made to the poll: ★ डिज़्नी Character of the महीना - Is Esmeralda your प्रिय character from the movie? ★ ·3दिन पहले by IsabelaWatson
a comment was made to the poll: ★ डिज़्नी Character of the महीना - If आप could change anything about the character of Princess Cinderella, you'd change: ★ ·4दिन पहले by Etincelle
a photo जोड़ा गया था: Walt डिज़्नी Screencaps - Princess Aurora ·7दिन पहले by PrueFever
a poll जोड़ा गया था: ★ डिज़्नी Character of the महीना - Jim Hawkins and आप would be good as... ★ ·11दिन पहले by PrueFever
a poll जोड़ा गया था: ★ DCotM - In terms of डिज़्नी Heroes, आप think that Jim Hawkins had it...(in terms of his life before his happy ending) ★ ·12दिन पहले by PrueFever
a poll जोड़ा गया था: ★ डिज़्नी Character of the महीना - Has your opinion on Jim Hawkins changed since आप first saw Treasure Planet? ★ ·12दिन पहले by PrueFever
a poll जोड़ा गया था: ★ डिज़्नी Character of the महीना - What do आप like/love most about Jim Hawkins? ★ ·12दिन पहले by PrueFever
a poll जोड़ा गया था: ★ The डिज़्नी प्रशंसकों - The डिज़्नी Character of January 2025 is Jim Hawkins from "Treasure Planet" ★ ·12दिन पहले by PrueFever
a comment was made to the poll: ★ डिज़्नी Character of the महीना - How funny do आप consider क्वीन Elsa? (Either द्वारा joking ability या just doing funny stuff) ★ ·13दिन पहले by Midgeklump
a comment was made to the poll: ★ डिज़्नी Character of the महीना - If आप could change anything about the character of क्वीन Elsa, you'd change: ★ ·13दिन पहले by Midgeklump
a comment was made to the poll: ★ The डिज़्नी Fans: Do पदक matter to आप on Fanpop? ★ ·13दिन पहले by Midgeklump
a comment was made to the poll: ★ Which act do आप find और romantic/touching? ★ ·13दिन पहले by Midgeklump
a comment was made to the poll: ★ Which was sadder? ★ ·13दिन पहले by Midgeklump
a comment was made to the poll: ★ Your प्रिय लॉस्ट princess? ★ ·13दिन पहले by Midgeklump
a comment was made to the poll: Ariel at Christmas...choose your favourite? ·16दिन पहले by AudreyFreak
a comment was made to the photo: Walt डिज़्नी Gifs - Pocahontas ·29दिन पहले by yorkshire_rose
a video जोड़ा गया था: चोटी, शीर्ष 20 Modern डिज़्नी Characters आप Didn't Know Shared a Voice एक महीने पहले by jasamfan23
a poll जोड़ा गया था: Ariel at Christmas...choose your favourite? एक महीने पहले by yorkshire_rose
a comment was made to the photo: Walt डिज़्नी Screencaps - Shenzi एक महीने पहले by yorkshire_rose
a comment was made to the photo: Walt डिज़्नी Slow Motion Gifs - Shenzi & Simba एक महीने पहले by yorkshire_rose
a comment was made to the poll: ★ डिज़्नी Character of the महीना - Princess Jasmine: प्रिय Hairstyle ★ एक महीने पहले by JediTroop739
a comment was made to the photo: Walt डिज़्नी Screencaps - Princess सिंडरेला एक महीने पहले by yorkshire_rose
a comment was made to the photo: Walt डिज़्नी Screencaps - Bambi & The तितली एक महीने पहले by yorkshire_rose
a comment was made to the photo: Walt डिज़्नी Screencaps - Princess सिंडरेला एक महीने पहले by yorkshire_rose
a comment was made to the poll: ★ Battle of the डिज़्नी फिल्में - प्रिय Animated Walt डिज़्नी Classics Movie ★ एक महीने पहले by AudreyFreak
a video जोड़ा गया था: चोटी, शीर्ष 10 डिज़्नी Characters That Don't Deserve the Hate ·2महीने पहले by jasamfan23
a comment was made to the poll: ★ डिज़्नी Character of the महीना - Do आप think Captain Phoebus is sexy? ★ ·2महीने पहले by Harmoni12345
a comment was made to the poll: ★ डिज़्नी Character of the महीना - Do आप think Alice would like to return to Wonderland after she woke up? ★ ·2महीने पहले by Harmoni12345
a comment was made to the poll: ★ डिज़्नी Character of the महीना - Do आप wish Princess सिंडरेला had fought back against her step-family? ★ ·3महीने पहले by yorkshire_rose
fan art जोड़ा गया था: Timeless Beauty💙 ·5महीने पहले by yorkshire_rose
a video जोड़ा गया था: Walt डिज़्नी वीडियो - The Fantasia Legacy: A Conversation with Eric Goldberg ·6महीने पहले by PrueFever
a video जोड़ा गया था: Walt डिज़्नी वीडियो - 90's रिपोर्ट on Fantasia's Restoration ·6महीने पहले by PrueFever
a comment was made to the photo: Walt डिज़्नी Screencaps - Lucifer ·7महीने पहले by PrueFever
a comment was made to the photo: Walt डिज़्नी Gifs - Lucifer ·7महीने पहले by yorkshire_rose
a comment was made to the photo: Walt डिज़्नी Screencaps - Lucifer ·7महीने पहले by makintosh
a comment was made to the photo: Walt डिज़्नी Gifs - Lucifer & Gus ·7महीने पहले by makintosh
a video जोड़ा गया था: Walt डिज़्नी वीडियो - The Making of एल "D.I.Y. Duck" ·7महीने पहले by PrueFever
a video जोड़ा गया था: Walt डिज़्नी वीडियो - Donald बत्तख, बतख Shorts: D.I.Y बत्तख, बतख (2024) ·7महीने पहले by PrueFever
an article जोड़ा गया था: The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: Lucifer ·7महीने पहले by PrueFever
a comment was made to the poll: ★ डिज़्नी Character of the महीना - Do आप like Lucifer's character design? ★ ·7महीने पहले by PrueFever
a comment was made to the poll: Vote for a New Club Banner ·7महीने पहले by yorkshire_rose