Versailles Club
शामिल होइए
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added by kaya-chan
added by Hidan71
added by Fallen_Mary
added by Fallen_Mary
added by Fallen_Mary
added by kaya-chan
added by Fallen_Mary
added by visualkat
added by Hidan71
added by Hidan71
These interviews came from the JaME U.K. site. They are just adorable and give आप a really great look at the personalities of the band members!


A to Z with Versailles -Philharmonic Quintet-
Interview - 20.01.2009 12:00
Versailles -Philharmonic Quintet- answered our सवालों from A to Z the दिन before their performance at ऐनीमे USA.

With a new addition to their band name, Versailles -Philharmonic Quintet- touched ground in the US for the सेकंड time this साल to play at the ऐनीमे USA convention and a solo दिखाना in New York. On opening दिन of the convention, the band...
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added by visualkat
added by visualkat
added by visualkat
added by visualkat
added by visualkat
added by Fallen_Mary
added by visualkat
added by visualkat