Vampire Weekend Club
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Source: vampire weekend
added by meelottie
added by PagetHotchner
added by meelottie
added by meelottie
Today, a new Vampire Weekend three-song track pack is available for गिटार Hero 5 and Band Hero. The लोकप्रिय band returns to the गिटार Hero franchise with the Vampire Weekend Track Pack featuring two songs — “Cousins” and “Holiday” — from their brand-new album Contra as well as “The Kids Don’t Stand a Chance” from their 2008 self-titled debut album Vampire Weekend.

The Vampire Weekend Track Pack is now available via Xbox LIVE Marketplace for 440 Microsoft Points, from the PlayStation Store for $5.49 and the Wii खरीडिए Channel for 550 Wii Points. The three songs are also available as single downloads for Xbox 360 for 160 Microsoft Points, PlayStation 3 for $1.99 and Wii for 200 Wii Points each.
added by meelottie
added by meelottie
added by PagetHotchner
added by meelottie
added by meelottie
added by meelottie
added by PagetHotchner
added by PagetHotchner
added by PagetHotchner
added by PagetHotchner