Usui Takumi Club
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added by usuitakumi77
added by Takumim
added by usuitakumi77
added by mitsuki963
added by Kanade
posted by mitsuki963
He lives in a very expensive condo (some think an apartment), which has a sofa, तकिया (maybe has a बिस्तर not shown), table, and a रसोई, रसोईघर inside. He comes from a wealthy family and a very complicated life. He wears glasses at घर and contacts at school. He does not have a very good relationship with his family. His mother, who was from England, passed away after giving birth to him. His mother (Patricia Walker) originally had her own family, but she loved travelling to other countries even though she already had a child. Usui's father (Yuu Hirose) was originally one of the Walker family's butlers....
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added by rupsa
added by rupsa
added by mitsuki963
added by Takumim
posted by mitsuki963
Usui, a silent but dangerous person, so mysterious yet only opened himself to Misaki. He is also a very लोकप्रिय boy in school because of his looks and talent. He is a very smart student, as well as being good at sports, and although very popular, he doesn't let it go to his head. On the contrary he seems to think the whole popularity-thing is rather troublesome. Most of the time, he has a nonchalant and apathetic attitude, but is always on the look-out for anything that may threaten या hurt Misaki, and he often saves her when she gets in trouble.

Usui is one of the best students in Seika High,...
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posted by mitsuki963
■"I'm a high level otaku who loves maids और than anything. All my favourite पुस्तकें have to do with maids, and all the cafes I visit have maids. Of course, I collect figures as well. I play maid games, get excited, say stuff like, 'moe! moe!' and even crossdress as a maid myself. Later."

■"I प्यार you, Ayuzawa."

■"If आप were my little sister... I'd be soo turned on."

■"Onii-tan would like a roasted lobster. Also, a paelle with red wine sauce, summer truffles on the side."

■"Where did आप get that water? I only drink water from the alps."

■"You have ten सेकंड्स to answer. 10...9...3...2...1..."...
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added by mitsuki963
added by Hidan71
Source: not mine
added by usuitakumi77