ट्वाईलाईट शृंखला ट्वाईलाईट शृंखला Links
5 fans
Quite interesting, but I'm not sure that Stephanie chose the characters names because of the meanings. Did आप know that Isabella of France married Edward II: spooky!
5 fans
gallery of pictures of the 'New Moon' cast, including the newest additions =)
5 fans
आप guys will प्यार this!!!
5 fans
melissa marr spot. Wicked lovely, ink exchange etc. if आप like twilight, then you'll like her books, trust me.
5 fans
sorry Jacob fans, but THANK GOODNESS. It just wouldn't work on screen....
5 fans
5 fans
ONCE AGAIN, THIS IS A RUMOR. I got this from LiveJournal as well.. Hopefully these rumors about Taylor being replaced are false.
5 fans
i don't understand the speculating. It's already been confirmed. लोल March 2010 is when they're shooting.
5 fans
Interview he mentions is here: link
एक साल से अधिक पुराना
5 fans