Total Drama Revenge of the Island (TDROTI) Club
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added by iPsychic
Source: Total Drama Wiki
Chapter number 5. This one's going to be cool because Mike finds और about his MPD. My लेखन process is a lot harder than it looks. First, I have to write it. Then, I have to reread and check it on a different computer. Also, I have to find pictures. It takes me about 2-3 days, maybe longer. I'm off topic. Let's see what happens in the story next.
Mike's mom rushed to the phone while his dad spoke to Mike. "We think आप have a something wrong with you". "What do आप mean, daddy?" asked the worried boy. "You have just told us that आप were...
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posted by gotdroti45
This is basically a listing of ways i'm like the tdroti cast.OK so lets get this over with---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anne Maria:I प्यार fashion,and make-up
B:I rarely ever talk
Brick:I'm very Patriotic to the U.S.A
Cameron:I'm practically a nerd,but also very sweet
Dakota:I wanna be famous someday
Dawn:I take care of the earth,and प्यार animals
Jo:I like to beat boys
Lightning:I'm very competitive
Mike:I'm crazy,but also very kind-hearted
Sam:I like video games(but not as much as sam does)
Scott:I can be mean at times for good reasons
Staci:I like to find out about my family's past(but I believe staci is a psycho liar,which I'm not)
Zoey:I'm very easy going,and sometime's I can lose my temper
------------------------------------------------------------------And that's pretty much it for this one.Thanks for reading.
added by TDIlover226
READ THIS DESCRIPTION! The first episode of TDROTI came out in French yesterday. This is the french opening, but a यूट्यूब user synced the English theme onto it. Please excuse the not so great quality, this is the only one I could find ^_^'
total drama revenge of the island
posted by SvetXMani
 The हार
The Necklace
Chapter 2 of The हार . Sorry it took so long to post. I've been really busy. Well, enjoy.
George opened the folder and began to look through it, in hope that he'll find out और about this हार thing. "No. No. No, not that one. Nope. Hello. What's this?". He had just stumbled apon information about his new daughter's partner and his parents. "Hm... Manitoba Smith. Lives in...". George paused. "Australia?". He was confused. He thought Svetlana's partner was going to be in Russia, not in another continent, but as much as George...
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Scott: Scott is a jerk. He uses and manipulates people. What he did to Mike and what he did to Dawn was just awful. And he fails at being an antagonist and his plans don't even make any sense. I mean I,m going to loose on purpose and eliminate my own team to give the other team a false sense of security. How does that make any sense. I'm honestly surprised he made it as far as he did.

Staci: She was so annoying!! And her character was pointless. I,m glad she got eliminated when she did.

Lightning: I can't believe he made it into the finale two. His personality is horrible.He is stupid, mean,...
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posted by Caldillon123
 Mike and Anne Maria
Mike and Anne Maria
Here's another लेख I wrote, या should I say typed. This is about Mike, Zoey and Anne maria, so hope आप enjoy.

Hay wanna sit together for lunch? Asked Zoey to Mike.

Why wouldn't I? Mike कहा in a kind voice.

Well, you've been spending a LOT of time with Anne Maria latley, आप know, the girl who's to coll to have only one first name, Zoey replied.

What! Her, no way, He said.

Ow don't try to चूहा yourself out of this one, she said.

That was Vito, not me, he said, I would never cheat on you.

Just then Anne Maria walked by, Mike Gasped and suddenly turned into Vito.

Hay babe, Vito said, wanna have...
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added by DudeImAwesomeYo
added by Animetama
लोल xD
total drama revenge of the island
बिना सोचे समझे
Hey. I thought it would be cool if I wrote my first Thanksgiving article. This one has all the characters and there's a twist. The twist is Mike and all of his personalities are, wait for it................ related. OK, now to the लेख
"Hurry up. I don't want to be late," exclaimed Mike. "OK, OK. I'm coming," replied Zoey. Mike And Zoey were headed off to Mike's parent's house for Thanksgiving this year. Mike was excited to see all of his relatives. "Ready?" asked Mike. "Yeah, I'm ready,". The two of them were headed off to the house...
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posted by emmab13
 Commando Mike
Commando Mike
This story was inspired द्वारा a प्रशंसक who sent me art work on my फेसबुक Page, Zoey Total Drama Revenge of the Island. Check it out if आप have a Facebook. I hope आप like this story. I might me rusty because I haven't written a story in so long, so enjoy. I also want to say about this story that Mike and Zoey are in college, but it's during the summer. Also, It's in short chapters

Chapter 1
It was just another दिन at the psychiatrist. Zoey was waiting for Mike to come out through the doors of the office. There...
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added by Frankiestein65
Source: Me
added by Animetama
lol, not mine btw.
butt chin
Here's the अगला chapter. Hope आप like it. : )



This is how Mike felt when he woke up. He was in the nurse's office. And there was someone अगला to him. That's right, Zoey. She looked and him smiled then कहा " Hey, Mike. How आप feeling?". "I don't know. I'm tired and groggy. Also, I have a headache. What happened?"asked Mike, tiredly. The nurse came over to Mike. "Here, take this". The nurse handed Mike an aspirin and a glass of water. He took it then looked back at Zoey. "Well, आप were about to climb the rope and द्वारा the way आप looked...
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Tear drops on my balance beam chapter 16


"Come on, Manitoba!! We're going to be late!" Svetlana called in a rather irritating voice. She crosse her arms and tapped her foot.

"Why are आप rushing? We're only going to my house for thanksgiving, not a banquet!"

"I want to  present myself, आप know that!" The girl exclaims as she puts a गुलाबी sweater and scarf over her white tank top.

Manitoba rolled his eyes and sighed."Fine, let's go."

Manitoba was at least nice enough to invite Svetlana over to his घर for this cool Holiday. Thanksgiving was a big thing in his house. All of the...
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I just decided to write this because it's almost Halloween. Also in this लेख Mike doesn't have MPD. I'm sorry if आप wanted him to have it, but he doesn't and I think you'll really enjoy this article.
It was a windy, fall day. हैलोवीन was in a couple days. Five teens walked through the halls of the school. Their names were Mike, Zoey, Vito, Svetlana, and Manitoba. Of course these teens had friends, but they had no idea who each other were. They barley paid attention to each other. It was time for lunch, and...
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added by CourtneyHand871
Source: Thuany247
added by cannibalZoey
posted by nocofangirl218
Yep, I'm doing a Mike story! :D

Alright, so, in episode 9, when Mike was battling his other personalities in his mind, at a certain time, आप could see a dark shadow of him appear for a brief सेकंड before it disappears. I thought about it, and, bing bang, this story was born! ((I always had this story for him in the back of my mind though...)) Anyway, here's my story! :D

“Something doesn't feel right.” I think as I gaze into the elimination ceremonies fire.

Despite the crappy parts of having to do whatever Scott कहा so he wouldn't tell Zoey – the now and forever प्यार of my life – that...
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added by flanery
Source: freshcake tv for charecters, and me for putting it together