Tom Riddle Club
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added by cosmiccastaway
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added by cosmiccastaway
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added by cosmiccastaway
added by cosmiccastaway
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added by cosmiccastaway
added by cosmiccastaway
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added by cosmiccastaway
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added by cosmiccastaway
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added by cosmiccastaway
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added by cosmiccastaway
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प्रशंसक video by: theredsoxfan18
हैरी पॉटर
tom riddle
lord voldemort
प्रशंसक video
added by cosmiccastaway
Source: tumblr
added by cosmiccastaway
Source: tumblr
added by cosmiccastaway
Source: tumblr
added by cosmiccastaway
Source: tumblr
added by cosmiccastaway
Source: tumblr
added by cosmiccastaway
Source: tumblr
posted by tomriddle
OMG, why did J.K have to make Tom so hot and then make him turn into Voldemort. Not that I'm saying that I don't like Voldy, but he is much कूलर and hotter when he is Tom Riddle. Damn horcruxes they ruined him he should of just made a philosopher's stone because his appearance would not change. But he couldn't प्यार so that's his other flaw. I still प्यार Tom anyway. What I don't get is how Tom can be so charming and not able to love. I mean he could charm anyone except Dumbledore but he had that feeling that Tom was evil. But anyway why can he not प्यार it makes no sense I mean he had to have...
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added by cosmiccastaway
Source: ? (tumblr)
added by cosmiccastaway
Source: tumblr