Thomas the Tank Engine Club
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
पूर्व update: link

I went for nearly an entire महीना without internet, because I moved into a new house. The last episode for this series was पोस्टेड 22 days ago. It's also the season 2 finale. Originally, I was going to end season 2 at episode 44, but because of my lack of internet, I decided to end season 2 there. Because of this, I'm going to give Season 3 thirty episodes. Six और episodes then what I originally had planned. The Season Premiere will be पोस्टेड in the start of September. I really hope आप enjoy it once it comes out.

Now, it's time to update the सूची of engines on the Island...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Ian is the narrator.

Narrator: I don't want to be the narrator.
Cameraman: Too bad. Do it!
Audience: *Laughing*
Narrator: Why?!?!?! *Sighs* Trainz was filmed in High Definition before a Live Studio audience. आप happy?
Cameraman: You're not finished yet. आप still have a lot of lines in your script.
Ian: AH!! *Leaving the yards at 50 miles an hour*
Audience: *Laughing*
Yard Master: Come back! आप forgot your train!
Cameraman: If I hide somewhere, will that work?
Audience: *Laughing*
Yard Master: Possibly.
Cameraman: Okay.
Sean: *Blows his horn*
Cameraman: Oh no, he's back!
Sean: *Pushing empty passenger cars...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

A party was taking place inside the Mossberg Harbor station. People were enjoying the संगीत as they danced with each other. S.B was one of those guys as he danced with Mercedes.

S.B: It's great that we can spend और time together.
Mercedes: I agree.
S.B: Will it be okay with your mom if I visit आप at your place on Friday?
Mercedes: When she finishes creating the schedules for her engines on the Eastwood & Mossberg, I'll ask.
S.B: Gotcha. I'm gonna take a little break, and grab a root beer.
Mercedes: Can I go with you?
S.B: Sure. I figured I'd also spend a few मिनटों on the station...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Family Guy: Peter Beat Cleveland


Sean as Cleveland
Henry as Peter
Harold as Joe

Video: link

Sean: *Driving a 1968 Corvette. He sees a Ford Crown Victoria flash it's lights while sounding it's siren behind him* Goddangit! *Pulls over*
Henry: *Pops up अगला to the police car, and stops अगला to Sean in the Corvette* Do आप have any idea how fast आप were going sir?
Sean: Peter?
Henry: हे Cleveland. This is just so we can talk without getting spotted द्वारा Lois and Donna. I need आप to step out of the car sir.
Sean: *Gets out of his car, facing Henry* Peter there's gotta be a better way-
Henry: HE'S GOT...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song (Start at 2:22): link

Sean: *Passes a railroad crossing, then sees a red signal at Delta Station* Really? *Stops*

He wasn't upset for long though when he saw who stopped अगला to him with another passenger train.

 It's Mily! ^-^
It's Mily! ^-^

Stop the song

Sean: *Looks to his left, and sees Mily*
Mily: Hi.
Sean: Hello.
Mily: What brings आप here?
Sean: This red signal. I'm supposed to be at Nova.
Stationmaster: *Arrives* हे Sean, sorry for the delay, but Victoria, and Andrew are doing track work. Once Jerry, and Jesse pass through with their freights, आप can go.
Sean: Good to know.
Mily: How's your दिन been?...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Ethan, and Lee continued moving down the line, trying to reach New York City.

NS 6901: *Towing three New Jersey Transit engines, but stops to block Ethan* Going somewhere switcher?
Ethan: *Brakes*
Lee: आप took over this line as well?!
NS 6901: Yes we did. If आप try going backwards, you'll run into और of my friends. आप two should turn yourselves in while आप still have the chance. Maybe we'll spare you.
Ethan: You're lying.
NS 6901: *Deploys an AK74*
Lee: They're gonna kill us no matter what we do. *Closes his eyes, awaiting the inevitable*

A मिसाइल hit the NS diesel in front of them, knocking...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

Ian: *Pulling a freight train with Shayne, and Jerry*
Sean: *Passes Ian, and the others with a passenger train*
Mike: *Passing Bellette Station with his freight train*
Ethan: *Pulling four freight cars*
Kenny: *Pulling a freight train with Jeff, and Bryce*
Jesse: *Stops at Mossberg Harbor with his freight train*
Leon: *Leaving Impala Station, on a passenger train with Stan, Sebastian, and Xavier*
Jessica: *Pulls into Impala Station*
S.B: Wait. Cut! CUT!!!!!!

Stop the song

Jessica: *Confused as she looks at S.B* What's the matter?
S.B: This is a montage for diesels only.
Jessica: Oh. Sorry.
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
At Mossberg Harbor, a band was playing संगीत inside the station: link

Sean & Jerry: *Next to each, waiting to leave the harbor with their trains*
Jerry: That band has really great music.
Sean: Yeah, but sometimes, they play too loud.
Jerry: Since when?
Sean: Last night, when we were all trying to sleep!
Audience: *Laughing*
Jerry: I didn't hear them.
Audience: *Laughing*
Sean: Of course आप didn't. आप can sleep through everything.
Panzer: *Stops अगला to Jerry* Hello Jerry. Me, and Robert were sent here द्वारा Mr. Bruce to deliver clothing. Since Kenny left our railway, things have been getting...
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Logan's Heroes

Sir Tophamm Hat ordered a new engine on the Island of Sodor. His name was Logan.

Sir Tophamm Hat: Everyone, say hello to Logan.
Engines: Hello Logan.
Logan: Hi everyone. It's really great to meet you.

Even though most of the engines कहा hello to Logan, they had their doubts, because of the way he looked.

Gordon: He looks too much like a diesel.
James: He's probably a diesel in disguise.
Henry: Duh, what's a disguise?
Gordon: A disguise is something आप wear to prevent others from recognizing you.
Henry: Cool. I'm going to get one of those now. *Leaves the sheds*
Sir Tophamm Hat:...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Roanoke, Jeff, and Bryce finally made it. They stopped to refuel, and let workmen fill up the hotboxes on their freight cars.

Bryce: Now we're making progress.
Jeff: The only thing that can stop us now is-
Bryce: *Sees Southern 630 passes with a six car excursion* Hello steam! *Uncouples from the train, and pushes Jeff as he follows 630*
Jeff: Bryce, I told आप to chase steam engines later. We have an important task to complete.
Bryce: But she has a nice pair of cylinders. Besides the 4501, she's the bustiest lady I've ever seen!
Jeff: Bryce! Just stop! *Brakes*

Meanwhile, with Lee, and Janet.

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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Since the first episode of Trainz is going to be on here soon, I decided to अपलोड a सूची of all the characters I created. Note, that I can't get all of their pictures in this article, so I'm going for characters that have not yet had their pictures on this club.

The Eastern Pacific engines

Sean: Amtrak F40PH
Mike "Fonzi": Canadian Pacific ES44AC
Nikki: Southern Pacific 745
Victoria: Bel Del engine 142
Shayne: BNSF Dash 9
Carter: Union Pacific SD40-2
Andrew: Santa Fe SD45
Tabby: Pennsylvania 7002
Bri: Pennsylvania 1223
Jeff & Bryce: Norfolk & Western GP9s
The बिना सोचे समझे Four D&H Alco PA's: Leon,...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
In the NEL's interchange with the Zorrin & Southern, Mr. Bruce was talking to Ian.

Ian: How is everything Mr. Bruce?
Mr. Bruce: Fine. Those chemicals आप ordered will be arriving at Mossberg Harbor in three days. Make sure आप deliver the diesel, coal, and water, द्वारा then.
Ian: I won't be late.
Mr. Bruce: After we cause the confusion on their railroad, we'll gain और ground, and run them out of business.
Panzer: *Arrives with six covered hoppers, and spots Ian* Hey, aren't आप one of the Eastern Pacific engines?
Mr. Bruce: He used to be. He opened a new railroad called the Zorrin & Southern....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
S.B is the narrator

Narrator: I think आप already know what I'm going to say.
Audience: *Laughing*
Narrator: Yep. Here it goes. Trainz was filmed in high definition before a live studio audience.
Sean: *Couples up to his passenger train in Mossberg Harbor*
Lucy: *Coming towards him with a freight train* Hi.
Sean: Hey.
Lucy: Guess what I got in my boxcars.
Sean: Freight.
Audience: *Quietly laughing*
Lucy: *Laughing*
Sean: Okay, that's cheating. It's too obvious. Since it's December, my guess is that आप got क्रिस्मस decorations.
Lucy: I do.
Sean: I'm looking आगे to this year. Jazlin and I are going...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Narrator: Leon, Stan, Sebastian, and Xavier are four Alco PA's in Delaware & Hudson paint. They are very random, and most of the time, have no clue what they're talking about.
Audience: *Quietly laughing*
Narrator: With Valentine's दिन getting close, the four of them went together to find steam engines.
Leon, Stan, Sebastian, & Xavier: *In front of Tabby at Nova Station*
Tabby: What do आप want? I have to leave soon.
Leon: Will आप be one of our valentine's?
Tabby: No, now please हटाइए out of the way.

The train yard.

Leon: Will आप go out with one of us?
Rachael: Sorry.
Suzie: We're our own valentine....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Jade: *Waiting at Mossberg Station*
Narrator: Mossberg Station is where trains of both the Eastwood & Mossberg Railway, and the Hunterdon Central meet up with passenger trains.
Alyssa: *Stops at Mossberg Station* Good to see आप again Jade.
Jade: Howdy Alyssa.
Alyssa: I got a message for आप from Mr. Wright. Well actually, the message is for Ms. Scarlett, but since you're here, could आप tell her for me?
Jade: Sure. What's your message?
Alyssa: Our new freight depot is requesting a lot of steel, cement, and bricks. We could use another engine to help out with that.
Jade: I'll talk to Ms. Scarlett,...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Mark Moraghan: Thomas, Percy, and James were brought into the diesel works.
Diesel: Haha! We got three steamies!
Norman: What should we do with them?
Dennis: Leave them there. They won't do anything.
Diesel 10: Let me explain. First, we use the "special surprise." Then, we get rid of the steamies.
Percy: Special surprise?
James: What special surprise?
Thomas: The silver tank car I stopped to look at.
Diesel 10: Precisely. The special surprise is a nerve gas called Delta 9.
Percy: Delta 9?
James: What does that do?
Diesel 10: It puts people to sleep.
Thomas: What for?
Diesel 10: So that no one can stop us!...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Andrew: *Arrives at Mossberg Harbor with ten boxcars*
Sean: *Waiting for passengers to get off his train. He sees Andrew stop अगला to him* Hey.
Andrew: हे yourself. आप haven't stopped looking at the Northern Errol Line's tracks.
Sean: That's where you're wrong. I just stopped looking now, so I could look at आप while we talk.
Audience: *Laughing*
Andrew: आप know, they haven't been bothering us for an entire week.
Sean: That's not good.
Andrew: They're not bothering us, and आप think it's bad?
Audience: *Laughing*
Sean: They must have something big planned for us.
Andrew: Like what? Recreating...
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 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

Song: link

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

Adventures of Thomas & Friends

Episode 34: North Western Railway Training Video

Narrated द्वारा Sean Bodine

A gentleman with brown hair, brown eyes, and Rayban glasses walks onto the screen in a dark blue suit.

Sean: Welcome aboard. If you're a new engine joining Sir Topham Hatt's North Western Railway, let me be the first to say Congratulations! You've just been selected to be a member of the United Kingdom's greatest, and most well known railway.
Thomas: Can I get a branchline?...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
A few मिनटों पूर्व on a fictional island ten miles from California.

Song (Start at 0:06): link

The Eastern Pacific has a new enemy. Ian has betrayed many of his friends, all because they think he should be और polite. Juliette has joined Ian's new railroad to get back at Ms. Scarlett, and everyone else on the Eastwood & Mossberg.

Although Juliette has been scrapped, Ian is still running the Zorrin & Southern to help Mr. Bruce destroy the Eastern Pacific.

While the Zorrin & Southern continues with their routine operations of both passenger, and freight trains, Ian has created a...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

Song: link

Jeff & Bryce: *Pulling thirty freight cars. They pass two N&W SD40-2 High Hoods pulling another freight train*

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

A प्रशंसक Fiction Featuring Talking Trains

Norfolk & Western 2

Sean Bodine as Lee Brent
Jeff & Bryce the Norfolk & Western diesels as themselves
Dragovich & Josh the Norfolk Southern diesels as themselves
Hannah Belle as Janet Gunray
Sir Topham Hatt as Bernard Moore
Tom Hiddleston as Buick Baltimore
Timothy Dalton as Gordon Sekkol
The Norfolk Southern...
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