Dear Chris Carter,
I just wanted to give आप a full रिपोर्ट on your latest X-Files movie: Great cop story, weak X-File. I assume agents Doggett & Reyes were busy with और important things that the FBI didn't find them for this case. आप had 6 years to come up with this storyline? And whose idea was it to cast Xzibit in this? We haven't seen अभिनय like that since Mr. T was in the A Team! Oh, and that slam on President झाड़ी, बुश and J. Edgar Hoover. I'll make आप a deal: आप and Gillian and David keep us सुरक्षित from little green alien invaders and let real men protect us from the scum that inhabit this Earth! As I see it आप have only one और chance to produce and write an X-File that we प्रशंसकों can really enjoy या आप are going to have to put this कुत्ते का बच्चा, पिल्ला to bed. For good! Don't get me wrong. Me and the one other person in the theater really enjoyed the show. It's just maybe आप can give X3 a little और thought!!!
I just wanted to give आप a full रिपोर्ट on your latest X-Files movie: Great cop story, weak X-File. I assume agents Doggett & Reyes were busy with और important things that the FBI didn't find them for this case. आप had 6 years to come up with this storyline? And whose idea was it to cast Xzibit in this? We haven't seen अभिनय like that since Mr. T was in the A Team! Oh, and that slam on President झाड़ी, बुश and J. Edgar Hoover. I'll make आप a deal: आप and Gillian and David keep us सुरक्षित from little green alien invaders and let real men protect us from the scum that inhabit this Earth! As I see it आप have only one और chance to produce and write an X-File that we प्रशंसकों can really enjoy या आप are going to have to put this कुत्ते का बच्चा, पिल्ला to bed. For good! Don't get me wrong. Me and the one other person in the theater really enjoyed the show. It's just maybe आप can give X3 a little और thought!!!
Anyone else out there as anxious as I am to see another X-Files movie?? I believe that just enough time has passed that people would welcome it. *I hope, I hope*
Bring on number 2!!!!! :P
annnnnnnnnd I don't think that really needs anything else. lol.
Bring on number 2!!!!! :P
annnnnnnnnd I don't think that really needs anything else. lol.