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added by rizmi
added by rizmi
added by girllovebaltor
added by ariel306842
added by SummerThunder
Source: werunchick
added by Gretute2772
added by Bloom-WinxClub
added by rachaelcarter
Source: pleas think they are nice
added by anniewannie
added by weheartwinx
added by winxlove2
added by lovebaltor
added by zanhar1
posted by tslol99
Stella just found out she has a sister

Stella: My WHAT!!!
Stella:s mom: Your sister she is going to Alfea अगला year
Stella: अगला YEAR
Stella's mom: Guys give us a sec please u can get t know Cassie Cassie y don't u दिखाना them your room
Musa: Ok come on Cassie right
Cassie: Yes

the others leave Stella and her mother with and go into Cassie's room

Brandon: Sooo Cassie aaahhhhh what do u like to do
Cassie: I like to read write walk my cat FB
Tecna: What does that stand for
Cassie: फूल Bloom
(everyone looks at Flora and Bloom both girls blush)
I know but I named her that before I even heard of Bloom
continue reading...
added by winxlove2
added by cool_fish_007
added by jessowey
Source: desktopnexus.com