The Reformed Mephiles Club
शामिल होइए
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The सड़क, स्ट्रीट was busy, filled with cars. I grinned. This was the place.

A carton of दूध in hand, so aged that it was not lumpy, but a lump, and the outside was faded past recognition. (See link for further details on the Lump of Milk)

I looked at the busy road; a two-way street, bustling with activity.

I waited till there was no incoming traffic, then hurried out and put the carton just near the dotted line, then quickly retreated back to the safety of the Bus Stop.

Sure enough, और traffic came, and I concentrated on the दूध carton, praying this would work.

There it was, the milky lump, on a busy...
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Mephile's P.O.V

I finally got friends, I've equality now but why do I feel like trying suicide? I've everything I ever wanted, have फ्रेंड्स who like me just the way i am. I ask to nobody, "What is missing in my life?" Sonic came out of nowhere and said, "Maybe आप need a girlfriend, but I won't let आप live long enough to find that person." I state, "Sonic I have reformed." Sonic says, "As if I would fall for that. आप killed me आप killed thousands of innocent people, आप tried to destroy the world, that kind of bad guy would never reform!!!" I growl, "Shut it!!! आप don't know anything, you...
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Full Name; Rebecca Joi "Scorch" Arms The Hedgehog.
Age; 14.
Lives with; Mephiles, Robo-Knuckles, and Crescent the Vampire Hedgehog.

Country; Australia.
Food; Chili Dogs.
Movie; अवतार 3D.
T.V Show; The Simpsons.
Music; Crush 40, Owl City, Zebrahead, मकड़ी Stacey, Dizzie Rascal, The Senile Delinquents, The Creaky Joints, Prann, Midnight Oil, Hilltop Hoods, Bliss n Eso, P!NK, and her own band.
Video Game; Sonic Unleashed, Shadow The Hedgehog, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Sonic and the Black Knight, Sonic Advance, Sonic Rush Adventure, Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing, and Grand Theft Auto IV.
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posted by Ocean_Hedgehog
Ocean the Hedgehog

Age; 14.
Gender; Male.
Species; Hedgehog.

Ocean is a young Mobian Hedgehog who is कहा to have a legendary bloodline. His parents were Anna and Cody the Hedgehogs, Anna being Shadow's daughter and Cody being Sonic's son. This makes Ocean the first pure crossover from both Shadow and Sonic's bloodlines, resulting in his incredible powers.


Ocean is immature. Enough said.

He loves video games, although he isn't very good at them despite his constant efforts.

He is happy, confident, and, to an extent, hyperactive. Coffee + Ocean = Bad mix. He will be bouncing off the walls...
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Lucifer the Dark

Nickname: Luck.
Species; Genetically altered Mobian African pygmy hedgehog-demon.
Name deprived from; link, god of hell, demon, Satan, devil, light-bearer, morning star, fallen angel.
Age: Unknown, ageless. Probably about 27 in the current timeline.

Theme Song: link

Lucifer was created as a back-up for the link, in case the original failed. In a way, आप could say that this made Lucifer and Solaris ‘cousins’. Nicknamed ‘Project Lucifer’ after the after Satan, because of the Scientist’s unwillingness to work on two experiments at once. What the scientist’s didn’t count...
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posted by shade-hedgehog
"mephlies ,what are आप doing?!" "taking care of your little boyfriend" he कहा with a little evil smrik."hes not my boyfriend!"' "yeah....right" "you know what when i know how to get out of here your dead!" "you can try to run away with shadow but youll die,so i think आप better stay here,and there gun soldiers here if आप live they shoot you" "damn it!,youre soo- " so -what" "evil!" "You just now found out" "mephlies why-why are आप doing this?!" "because your little boyfriend -shadow sealed me in the darkness,i could feel the world,touch it for 4 years do आप know how i feel!" "you were...
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posted by MercyHedgehog
Name; Rachel link the Hedgehog.
Call-sign/Operational Nickname; Mercy.
Age; 17.
Theme Song; link.
Location; No-where. Roamer.
Parantage; Father; Sonic the Hedgehog. Mother; Unknown. Died during childbirth.
Abilities; Control over water (Ironic, considering she hates it) speed (just as fast, if not, faster than her father) and can use most weapons.
Armed with; Arkansas Toothpick, P-90 Assult Rifle, AK-47, Heckler & Kock G-11, RDX Grenades, Desert Eagle, R-7 Jetpack, Maghook, and a few M-22 Plazma Grenades.
Weapon discription; Arknsas toothpick; A long sword पार करना, क्रॉस Dagger, so sharp if आप leant on...
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posted by BeccaDaHedgehog
Full name; Crescent The Vampire Hedgehog.
Age; 428.
Lives with; Rebecca, Mephiles, and Robo-Knuckles.

Country; Australia.
Food; Blood.
Movie; None.
T.V Show; None.
Music; Crush 40, Linken Park, Evanescence, Disturbed, and Bad Religeon.
Video Game; Shadow The Hedgehog.
Sport; None.
Bffs (Known in person); Rebecca The Hedgehog, Manic The Hedgehog, Mephiles,and Robo-Knuckles.
Enimies; Dark The Demon, Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, Scourge The Hedgehog, Rosy The Rascal, Ix The Echidna, and any other villains.
Rivals; Just about everyone.
Instrament; Piano.
Likes; Friends, Music, Playing Games, Blood, and Meeting new people.
Dislikes; Evil, and people talking badly about vampires.
Around new people; Doesn't talk much.
Around friends; Hates talking unless he makes a point, जवाब only when spoken to, always suspicius of anyone, and a bit of a loner.

Abilities; Super speed, strength, and ajility. Blood makes him stronger.
posted by MephilesTheDark
My दिल was thumping hard in my chest, my breath all I could hear in the darkness. The fear of the hunted lay down upon my shoulders, adrenaline the only thing keeping me from falling to my knees.

I was exhausted. The enemy was not far behind... I pushed myself faster, knowing it was hopeless. he would catch me.

If I weren't so preoccupied with my flee, I would have shuddered at the thouht of those venomous green, reptile-like eyes, the blood-red sclera accenting the image of fear.

My legs felt like lead, my arms were heavy, my breath coming in raggid gasps as I tried futiley to get away from...
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posted by MephilesTheDark
I dragged my claw across my wrist, very lightly, as to not puncture the fragile शामिल होइए between living crystal and flesh.

I stared down at my weak spot, knowing I could very easily kill myself द्वारा cutting through the फर and skin, slashing the veins, and bleed to death.

But... If that was my weak spot, why was I toying with it in a similar manner to what a cat does a माउस before pouncing? And, और impotantly, why did I get the urge to "pounce", द्वारा wich I meaned slashing myself?

Confusion swept through me as I sat crosslegged up a पेड़ as my best friend, Rebecca, furiously smashed a सॉकर ball against...
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posted by MephilesTheDark
Full name; Mephiles The Hedgehog.
Age; 10
Lives with; Rebecca The Hedgehog, Robo-Knuckles, and Crescent The Vampire Hedgehog.
Country; Australia.
Food; Chili Dogs
Movie; Avatar
T.V Show; The Simpsons.
Music; Crush 40, Linken Park, Evanescence, and Black Eyed Peas.
Video Game; Sonic And The Black Knight.
Sport; Soccer. (Blame Rebecca)
Bffs (Known in person); Rebecca The Hedgehog, Manic The Hedgehog, Disco The Hedgehog, Crescent The Vampire Hedgehog,and Robo-Knuckles.
Friends found on Fanpop; Chaoscontroll, Thirddevision, and Shadowrednblack. (Sorry if I missed you!)
Enimies; Dark The Demon, Dr. Ivo...
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Full Name; Dark The Demon.
Age; 10.
Lives with; Where ever Mephiles goes.
Country; Unknown.
Food; Unknown.
Movie; Unknown.
T.V. Show; Unknown.
Music; Bloodcurdling screams...
Video Game; Unknown.
Sport; Unknown.
Bffs; None.
Enimies; Mephiles, Sonic, Rebecca, Robo-Knuckles, Shadow, Knuckles, Silver, and Crescent.
Rivals; None.
Instrament; None.
Likes; Destruction, death, and chaos.
Dislikes; Others.
Personality; Cold hearted, emotionless, cruel, ungiving, and संपूर्ण, कुल मिलाकर evil.

How I discovered him...

Rebecca's home---

I sat with Rebecca, Manic, and Robo-Knuckles, on a सोफ़ा, सोफे watching T.V.

Crescent would have been with...
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posted by BeccaDaHedgehog
70 ways to annoy Mephiles
1. Follow him around everywhere saying ‘Heyheyheyheyheyheyheyhey Meeeeeeephyyyyyyy?’
2. Act like Charmey Bee.
3. Tell Blaze that he killed Silver. He will be टोस्ट within the अगला five minutes.
4. Call him Mephy-Boy.
5. If आप see him plotting to destroy the world, waggle your finger at him and say ‘That’s not very nice, Mephiles.’
6. Hit him on the… erm… make-believe nose if he says something evil.
7. Get ‘His World’ stuck in his head.
8. Get ‘Dreams of an Absolution’ stuck in his head.
9. Get ‘All hail Shadow’ stuck in his head.
10. Tell Sonic that...
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posted by CrescentVampire
As the life faded from her, I knew I was responsible for her death. Her पन्ना eyes stared into mine, in shock, betrayal.

She was a pale yellow hedgehog, quills द्वारा the side of her perfect face. She wore a white dress, a wedding dress.

I, myself, wore a black suit. She was to be my wife, untill it had all gone terribly wrong.

I should never have disobeyed Master, I should never have rebeled against my creator, Lopec.

My wife-to-be, Brissa, had walked down the isle; my angel, coming to light my darkness. The isle now splattered in her blood.

Then he had come, Lopec.

"Crescent..." he had hissed. "You...
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posted by MephilesTheDark

I nervously glanced around as we readied our instruments. Manic sat at his drum kit, eyes closed, drumsticks at the ready. Rebecca was grinning, her fiddle set under her chin. David and Annie sat on stools, David holding a गिटार and Annie a Mondolin. Crescent stood upfront, his voice his instrument.


I pressed my Tin Whistle to my lips, holding it gently in my crystal claws as to not snap it. The audience stared up at us, impatient for us to begin.


Manic hit his snare drum once... then again... then once more... untill David joined in with his acoustic guitar, and Annie with the Mandolin....
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posted by MephilesTheDark
Confusion. Pain. Suffering. Tension. Fear. Anxiety. Anger. Worry.

They were familiar emotions to me, never absent. Always, they stalked in the back of my mind, leaving trails of horrendous feelings.

Why were they always there? Why did they walk in my mind, suffocating me of happiness and pleasure? They never left, even when I was truly having a nice time, they would ruin the sunniest of my days.

Was it Dark? Was he back? And if so, how? How did he manage to make a return to this plane of existence? Back into my head where it all began?

I held my face in my claws. I am Mephiles. I was created to...
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posted by shade-hedgehog
this was my real nitemare friday nite me and shadow were outside just looking into each others eyes.that was a good moment between us."Shade,theres something i need to ask ,will you- mehplies out of nowhere just was in between us."Do we really have to do this again" i said."Slience!" mehplies said."youre coming with me!" "o no shes not,choas- but shadow was to slow mehplies grabbed me -strong."Meplies i see youre a lot stronger but that cant save you. i tried to kick mehplies were the sun dont sine -but then he grabed my neck and stragged me."dont touch her"shadow said.shadow tried to puch him to but didnt work-he puched shadow and had him k.o."SH-SH-" thats all i could say before there was this blackness appread.2 HOURS LATER ....I THINK. i could hear voices like "do आप have her,and lets do this"
posted by MephilesTheDark
--Rebecca's home, Eastern Suburbia, Victoria, Australia.

--Shadow form.

I looked curiously down on the human male as he worked in the garage.

It was set out और like a lounge than a garage; a T.V, a couch, and a Computer.

I was sitting on the translucent roof, wondering what it was this peson was doing.

He was on a small, red, rectanglular board with wheels, slid under his white Ford, a Ute, holding some kind of metal impliment in his right hand.

Rebecca had told me of this man; his name was Nick, and he amounted to her adoptive brother. She had कहा he was a real laugh to be with, and very nice....
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posted by LuciferTheDark

Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized द्वारा an abnormal lack of empathy combined with strongly amoral conduct, masked द्वारा an ability to appear outwardly normal. Neither psychopathy, nor the similar concept of sociopathy, are nowadays defined in international diagnostic manuals, which instead describe a category of antisocial/dissocial personality disorder. However, researcher Robert Hare, whose खरगोश, हरे Psychopathy Checklist is widely used, describes psychopaths as "intraspecies predators" as does R.I. Simon. Elsewhere खरगोश, हरे and others write that psychopaths "use charisma, manipulation,...
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posted by MephilesTheDark
Defeated. Again.

I melted into my shadow form; a black puddle-like substance, as my defeator, Shadow, stepped over me, holding out The Sceptre of Darkness. I refused to be trapped in that again!

He stood with it out in front of him, and held it up. The cursed object floated in the air above his head, his arms outsteached.

In this melted form, I was pulled towards it, until I was contained. Only for a few seconds, however, as I destroyed it, fear the only thing I felt. I was never going to be held prisoner it that thing again.

The bat girl gasped in horror as the Sceptre shattered, "It's destroyed!"...
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