The New Adventures of Old Christine Club
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There's no doubt when आप are watching 'The New Adventures Of Old Christine' when a passport is misplaced on a plane in the Bahamas and Christine resorts to flashing anyone that could help her get what she wants. Who knew what went on in that room after Old Christine decided to unbutton a few from her चोटी, शीर्ष and the टेलीविज़न went straight to commercial.

We do know that she returned with a happy smile on her face, without being detained, hopefully with her passport. No one would have liked being the air hostess in that position; blowing up your life vest as a form of a तकिया was rather innovative...
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Even your best friend could sue आप for alimony. What happened to Christine's almost doctor boyfriend? Did she dump him for the lawyer.

So Barb and Richard actually went for nuptials, maybe they omitted new Christine specifically for that, because I'm sure she wouldn't be happy to find out that Richard could marry someone that wasn't her. He didn't even tell her that he was engaged. That was probably what came with we are living together for only platonic means.

Barb is also very adamant about remaining in the country, what does she really have to stay for; her job, Christine या even a wacky...
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It only takes someone like Christine to turn a life threatening condition and turn it into a way to pick up a doctor for sport.

So 'The Mole' turned into the चॉकलेट speck, that one was odd, couldn't she have spotted that flaw herself.

I found it mildly disturbing when Richard only got turned on when poor old Christine was suffering. As the seasons progress and we understand the type of person Richard is, we also imagine the type of husband he was and the divorce becomes और apparent. Of course Christine had a part to play in the craziness, but Richard's crazy is just bizarre.

His choice in...
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There was lots of प्यार and lots of hate in this episode and the hate actually reflected प्यार according to Richard.

Why did Mathew and Barb believe it was therapeutic to point out the only way to cope is if आप get high on booze and burn all your boyfriend's things. That only made things worse for Richard who clearly was the opposite to 'New' Christine's then bubbly mood; as though breaking up was the best thing that ever happened to her.

Richard did have a point, having someone दिखाना no emotion towards आप is worse off compared to them hating you. At least they loved आप enough to hate आप now,...
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