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added by Alexyss_Cullen
added by Alexyss_Cullen
Source: Tumblr
added by IsabellaMCullen
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: Me ♥
added by IsabellaMCullen
added by IsabellaMCullen
added by lexie2635
added by lexie2635
Lyric Video [u]link
I Think They've Only Did It Live I Mean That I Know Of But Its A Good Song And Its Originally द्वारा Jimmy Eat World Jimmy Eat World version(lyrics) [u]link

There's no one in town I know
You gave us some place to go.
I never कहा thank आप for that.
I thought I might get one और chance.
What would आप think of me now,
so lucky, so strong, so proud?
I never कहा thank आप for that,
now I'll never have a chance.
May एंन्जल्स lead आप in.
Hear आप me my friends.
On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
May एंन्जल्स lead आप in.
So what would आप think of me now,
so lucky, so strong, so proud?
I never...
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Here They Are Enjoy

Things are looking up, oh finally!
I thought I'd never see the दिन when आप smile at me.
We always pull through
oh when we try,
I'm always wrong but
you're never right.
You're never right!

Honestly, can आप believe we crossed the world while it's asleep?
I'd never trade it in, cuz I've always wanted this!
It's not a dream anymore! Ohhh..
It's not a dream anymore!
It’s worth fighting for.

Could have दिया up so easily
I was a few cheap shots away from the end of me
Taken for granted,
most everything
that I would have died for
Just yesterday,
Just yeterday.

Honestly, can...
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added by IsabellaMCullen
posted by Alexyss_Cullen
Well, it's officially official (haha) I'm now a paid photographer. It's kinda crazy. I never seen myself going in this direction, ever, if you'd of told me a महीना पूर्व this is what I'd be doing I'd of probably just laughed and then had a long वाद-विवाद in my head about it in the darkness of my bedroom that night.. but it just happened and it's like perfect flexibility with Nick & Nat-Nat & college & everything else in my life.

It's not a full-time thing and definitely isn't the job I'm using to support myself, hopefully I can add a yet there but I'm not completely sure of this, not...
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added by IsabellaMCullen
added by IsabellaMCullen
added by IsabellaMCullen
added by IsabellaMCullen
added by IsabellaMCullen
posted by lexie2635
So i was watching a यूट्यूब vid of this white guy telling his story of how him and his (black) gf met.i saw these horrible टिप्पणियाँ that hurt me so bad(see pic one).After all thses years this kind of stuff is still going on.Before i ever तारीख, दिनांक a white guy,yes i will/do ask myself,will his parents approve?no i dont care what his फ्रेंड्स and everyone else thinks,but the parents,yes.its a scary.But i think its scarier(i think)for a black guy,b/c i mean c'mon,do i have to explain?

I always get asked "why do आप like white guys?" "who do आप like more?",its annoying.Its hard for me to find a white...
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One Of The Many Paramore Songs That Are Stuck In My Head <3

I'm gonna go on
Living like I never met आप
And it'll feel wrong at first
But I think I can forget you
Ignore the fact that we sleep no और then 3 feet apart
I feel आप now your all around me, underneath me
You're all around me,
underneath me

Well how was I to know
That what we carved in stone
Would be so temporary
Well how was I to know
That my first crack in love
Would not be the last
Wont be the last

It's in the air now
Bitter tears and broken hearts
Teenagers we count the years,
we think were smart
But were not, we don't know anything

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