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The अगला दिन Madalina goes back to the studio to rehearse the movie her and michael are playing in.

At The Studio: Darrel I प्यार you. I प्यार आप too jennifer (they share a passionate किस then they stop and go out on a date. come on lets go honey. okay baby. and cut that was beautiful I absolutley प्यार it. then madalina goes on her lunch break and finds her friend rose their and she was so excited to see her. Madalina: I am so glad आप could make it here rose. Rose: I am glad to see आप too maddy. what's going on with आप and that guy आप are filming with? Madalina: His real name is michael...
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Rosie was a normal 21 साल old girl who wanted someone to प्यार her, hold her, tell her that she is beautiful, and other things. What she didn't know is that their was a guy who wanted the same things in a girl. Rosie was a vet tech at a zoo.

At Work: Boss: Rosie stop दिवास्वप्न and get back to work! Rosie: Yes mam (she कहा glumly walking off to feed the tigers). Rosie: हे आप guys at least आप don't tell me what to do. I wish I had a boyfriend oh well. ( then a guy walked over to the exhibit while she was feed them and he just froze like he was in प्यार with her) then he asked her something....
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Maddy has the दिन off because the producers appreciate how hard her and michael have been working.

At Home: (doorbell) Maddy: hello? Rose: हे sissy it's me can I talk to you? Maddy: sure just let me unlock the door (Unlocks door) come on in. Rose: thanks sis आप are a life saver. Maddy: what's wrong? did chris do something? Rose: well it's not bad news it's good news. me and chris are going to get married! Maddy: OMG sis I am so happy for you! I really am. can I see the ring? Rose: sure. (shows her the ring) do आप like it? Maddy: I प्यार it! congrats sis. I have a तारीख, दिनांक with michael. Rose: thanks....
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So michael had just asked maddy to marry him so they start planning for the wedding and where they want to go for the honeymoon.

At the bridal shop: Maddy: what do आप think doesn't it look beautiful rose? Rose: That dress is so beautiful and I am so happy for आप and michael. Maddy: speaking of michael where is he? isn't he supposed to be here द्वारा now? Rose: Him and chris are picking up their सूट्स for the wedding silly. Maddy: oh yeah I forgot. silly me. (after the dress fitting maddy and rose go घर and relax for a while then the boys get घर and mike and maddy leave to go and arrange everything...
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A साल had passed since michael saw rosie. He was so heartbroken and wanted to see her again. what he didn't know was that she and him would in fact meet again. rosie was now 32 years old and really wanted to have children. but was she going to get her सेकंड chance?

At Work: Boss: Rosie go घर and get some rest please. I hate to see आप like this. Rosie: alright jessica I will. thank you. Boss: your welcome. (rosie goes घर and gets ready for बिस्तर when someone knocks on the door.

At Home: (rosie answeres the door) Rosie: hello? who is it? Michael: It's me michael. can I come in please? it's...
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Madalina is an actress and is going to rehearse at a studio when she finds the one person who will change her life forever.

At The Studio: I can't प्यार आप darrel your not the one for me. wait jen don't leave me come back. and cut that was beautiful. afterwards madalina sits down and eats lunch and darel (michael jackson) sits down beside her and looks at her while she eats then he is tired of the silence and says Michael: so आप know my real name is michael jackson right? Madalina: yes I do. my real name is madalina. I think your really georgous. Michael: आप have a beautiful name. I think...
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Two of my प्रशंसकों here seem to think me and michael jackson would make a good couple. I would deffinetly प्यार to be his girlfriend. We would laugh, talk, swim, eat, go shopping, watch the sunset, watch movies, flirt, make out, and read together. I don't like to wear dresses a lot but i do sometimes. Michael would follow me around like a कुत्ते का बच्चा, पिल्ला wanting me to hold him या किस him. I am not that lovey dovey but i can get that way. Michael would buy me anything i wanted and in the future when we were grown ups we would have children. I would only want two. Michael would want 3 या more. Michael would ask me to marry him before we had kids. Me and mj would live a very healthy and normal life together i would always be द्वारा his side. I would always प्यार him for who he is on the inside and outside प्यार आप king of pop, rock and soul.
posted by kiss93
She was और like a beauty क्वीन from a movie scene
I कहा don't mind,but what do आप mean I am the one
Who will dance on the floor and the round
She कहा I am the one who will dance on the floor and the round

She told her name is Billie jean as she caused a scene
Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one
Who will dance on the floor and the round

People always told me be careful what आप do
And don't go around breaking young girls heart
And mother always told me be careful who आप love
And be careful what आप do 'cause the lie became the truth

Billie jean is not my lover
She's just...
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