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added by ktichenor
added by ktichenor
added by ktichenor
added by ktichenor
posted by Rubyrings
It was all his fault. All his fault. At least, that was what John kept telling himself.
No one else seemed to blame him. Linda, though she had been very tearful when she was called in to New York with the news that her husband had died, had been perfectly friendly to John. George and Ringo, who were standing अगला to John, the three of them gripping hands as though trying to fuse together the remaining pieces of the Beatles, didn't act at all like they blamed him. The many Beatles प्रशंसकों who had shown up for Paul's funeral, so many of whom used to harbour dreams that he would someday marry them,...
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posted by Rubyrings
"Of course we can get messages from the spiritual world," कहा George. "Most of us just don't know we can yet, is all."
Paul had decided to ask George his opinion on the matter of spiritual dream messages, toying with the idea of letting him know what John had told him. George was very into all things spiritual and might know something about dream messages that Paul didn't.
"You don't think, though," Paul checked, "that we could get a message from a dream telling us to do something if we weren't supposed to do it?" Actually, Paul was already sure of this, but it didn't hurt to ask George what...
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added by 80smusiclover1
added by Rubyrings
Source: गूगल
added by OfriA
added by OfriA
added by OfriA
posted by 80smusiclover1
The weather indeed became कूलर द्वारा the time the airship landed right in front of the entrance of George and Pattie's hotel. Philip then handled the check-in process on their behalf, as he had already reserved a room even while the wedding was taking place. "Enjoy your honeymoon, dear chaps! I'll be returning अगला week to pick आप up." The Duke कहा afterwards. He then gave the couple a map of the city alongside the room key. "This shall come in handy as आप tour this lovely place." George replied, "All righty, sir. Thanks again!" With that, he and his wife proceeded upstairs, walked down the...
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"Merry Christmas, Geo! Merry Christmas, ladies!", exclaimed John as the soon-to-be family entered the recording room. George replied, "Merry क्रिस्मस to you, too, me mate! I see आप brought a copy of the book as a reference while waiting for us, eh?" John said, "Ye got that right! In fact, I own this as part of my collection." Laura replied, "Very cool, uncle John!" Pattie added, "I'll say! This project is sure to be just as fun as when we recorded 'Yellow Submarine'." George said, "My thoughts exactly, sweetheart!" Paul asked, "Well then, are आप ready to get it started?!" Laura said, "Ready...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
It was now the first दिन of March, and with St. Patrick's दिन just around the corner, the Beatles and Laura were on their way to Liverpool for a ferry ride to Ireland. Just a दिन after George turned twenty-three, they decided to spend the entirety of this महीना there and hold two concerts during their trip. What's more, Paul's brother, Mike, will be joining them along! Laura said, "Daddy George, I wonder what adventures are in store for us in Ireland?" George replied, "You'll see for yourself when we get there, Laura, darling. I'm sure they'll be bloody exciting!" John, Paul, and Ringo nodded...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The awaited दिन had arrived at last, and George officially turned twenty-three years old. Laura looked at the living room clock and said, "My father should be back here at exactly noon. Are the confetti throwers ready, uncles?" John replied, "They certainly are, love. This is gonna be fun!" Paul and Ringo agreed. Laura remarked, "Great!" They then let the remaining time pass द्वारा telling some jokes. Before long, the sound of George's car engine was heard from outside, and Paul said, "The birthday boy has returned! Now's our chance!" Laura exclaimed, "Time to hide, everyone! Quick!" And they did...
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added by ktichenor
Source: pinterest
added by ktichenor
Source: pinterest
added by यॉर्कशाएर के गुलाब
Source: pinterest
added by यॉर्कशाएर के गुलाब
Source: pinterest