Team Rose personally is the CUTEST team out there! They have plenty of weapons like Amy's Piko Piko hammer, Bigs fishing rod and umbrella and Froggy also Creams Choa Cheese. Big is gentle most the time but when he's sticking up for his फ्रेंड्स he is super strong! Cream doesn't agree with violence but let's out a kick every now and then and attacks with her Choa Cheese! Amy Rose is leader of Team Rose and has a huge crush on Sonic the hedgehog...a bit और than a crush if आप ask me but, Hey! She's in love, I find it cute!
As well as being a Team Rose प्रशंसक I'm also a massive Amy Rose fan, Shadow प्रशंसक and Shadamy प्रशंसक and for some reason I just can't spell anything wrong so yeah!
Don't be arfraid to ask people to become Team Rose प्रशंसकों as we need as many as possible to look better than the rest!
लेख द्वारा me MoxieGal13 - Bethany Orchard :)
As well as being a Team Rose प्रशंसक I'm also a massive Amy Rose fan, Shadow प्रशंसक and Shadamy प्रशंसक and for some reason I just can't spell anything wrong so yeah!
Don't be arfraid to ask people to become Team Rose प्रशंसकों as we need as many as possible to look better than the rest!
लेख द्वारा me MoxieGal13 - Bethany Orchard :)