TDI's GwenxDuncan Club
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posted by starburst-rock
(So close to the end. Makes me sad :'( )

The अगला day, Duncan and I were sitting in economy while Alejandro and Heather were plotting in first class. Duncan was still sleeping, and I was sketching, well, trying to with Chef's shitty flying. I was too preoccupied to notice Duncan pulling the चोटी, शीर्ष of my sketch pad down to look at what I was drawing. I quickly pulled it back and closed it. I may be good, but I don't like being complimented that much on my art. I shoved the pad back into my bag, then I looked back at Duncan. He was laying on his back on the bench. I walked over to him and laid down...
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Heather: *bathroom* आप wanted me to be honest? Well... *looks at the ceiling smiling* I'm .. CRAZY, about that man! And don't get me wrong, but.. If I दिखाना him even a little bit love.. Everyone will think that I'm not evil anymore!!

Gwen: ..Wait, why are we going to the church?

Duncan: *looks at her* Today's the दिन my grandfather died...

Gwen: *laughs* And I'm gonna believe that!

*Duncan looks down as Gwen makes a sad face*

Cody: ...Sierra... Sierra, stop looking at me like that!!

Courtney: *whispers to her* Wanna make Cody fall in प्यार with you?...

Sierra: *quickly turns around* Wha??

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posted by starburst-rock
That night, we were back on the Jumbo Jet. Apparently the Aftermath raised a tank load of cash for us. But, even though we won last time, we were in economy section. Why? Hell if I know. Something या other about a special guest. I was sitting अगला to Duncan with my hand resting behind me. The अगला thing I know, Courtney was sitting on my hand. I hissed and screamed while I pulled my hand close to me. Courtney didn't even apologize. She just sauntered over to Heather who was complaining about being down here. I looked around. Sierra was updating her Twitter with a... पिज़्ज़ा, पिज्जा box? Tyler was sitting...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
at lunch
Duncan: I can't do it i don't want to hurt her
D.J.: t's better to tell her now Duncan
Duncan: I can't!
Geoff: she is going to find out sooner या later
Duncan: I just need some time
Geoff: ok , ok
D.j.: she is going to find out eventually
Geoff: true, Duncan when did your dad say आप have to go to military school?
Duncan: he will tell me after school
Geoff: ok, but what if he changed his mind
Duncan: has anyone here meet my dad
D.J.:dude chill out
Duncan: ok D.J. how would आप feel if it was your girlfriend
D.J.: i don't hae a girlfriend
Duncan: well i'm worried
Geoff: it's going to be ok Duncan just क्लैम down and आप can tell Gwen later
Duncan: ok fine
with Gwen and Duncan
Duncan: हे babe
Gwen: हे Duncan
Duncan: Gwen i have to tell आप something
Gwen: what is t Dunky
Duncan: i

[to be continued] (not i know i pelled that wrong)

sorry its short and agaiin sorry if some words were spelled wrong and what happenes next
(Full credit to Alternativeactress)

I stared at myself in the mirror while I pushed my hair back with my right forefingers, my left hand leaning on the counter. I was feeling major jet lag from all of the sudden time changes. I sighed and walked back into first class, where Duncan was still sleeping. I managed to squeeze in अगला to him on his सीट while he unconsciously wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling my neck with his nose. I smiled and closed my eyes while I leaned against his head. I felt his lips brush against my neck.

However, my eyes shot open at the smell of freshly brewed coffee....
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added by So425
This is my no 1. Fave TDWT song!!!!!!
added by TaintedArtist
added by gwuncan4evah
Source: द्वारा Escorte
added by i_love_music
Source: TwistedXmo
added by neonwalflower
Source: neonwalflower
added by neonwalflower
Source: neonwalflower
added by neonwalflower
Source: neonwalflower
added by gwuncanfan
Source: Me
added by TaintedArtist
added by gwuncanfan
Source: Characters: Creators of TD Pic: ME!
added by i_love_music
Source: fanfictiongirl1