Stormclan Club
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added by bluestarluver10
added by smartone123
Source: me
added by lovejr08
OMG!I प्यार this video Stormstar!
 Stormstar's a restless sleeper!
Stormstar's a restless sleeper!
Stormstar lay restless in her den, she tossed and turned on her moss made nest.
Moonlight filtered through the मांद, डेन entrance, and the coldness of leaf bare filled the open air.
It had passed three moons since Stormstar had ruled Stormclan.
The clan was coming along nicley but Stormstar couldnt help thinking about the kits she had left behind then लॉस्ट all those moons ago.
Stormstar's memory flashed before her eye's as she closed them and began to remember....
Stormstar rememberd three moons ago, when she had began recruting new members, so the first place she went was the old clan that had...
continue reading...
posted by cariea1
i padded out of camp running torawrds my pond i sat there and listened to wat sunstar had to say then i walked to the border and sat there thinking as a she cat padded up to me and pointed at the sun and i nodded knowing wat she meant we started to पार करना, क्रॉस borders then we stopped and i heard her mutter were लॉस्ट i shake my head and lead her to my pond as we gathered information from sunstar and we crossed a river and sat in a cave as she was catching freshkill i made our beds i went to the river and dipped some moss in it so wed have water and i padded back as she कहा good job and nodded at me as i carried some feathers and lined our nests with it i watched her as she messed with the brambles at the entrance making it where it was सुरक्षित and protected from foxes and badgers i taped her on the shoulder and she nodded as i padded through a crack in the दीवार and came back with strengthing herbs(will it continue,or will they be found?)
added by Moonstorm100
Source: Kitten playing with Leaf
added by Moonstorm100
Source: Birchpaw drags Oddkit
added by Foxkit8888
added by Moonstorm100
Source: LionBlaze of ThunderClan
added by Tigerstripe
Source: kit
added by Razorfang55555
Source: Elder
added by TalaLeisu2
added by KatieK102
added by TalaLeisu2
added by Mousefang
Source: mousefang
added by forgetful
Source: Myself
added by KatieK102
added by ghas_ram
Source: Des moines*love spells specialist 91-9501556880 Iowa
added by Petalfrost