Sonic प्रशंसक Characters Club
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added by Taylortails
added by Jahrome141
added by kumik0
added by ShadowWolf337
Source: The भेड़िया of Shadows~
added by Silvaze_4_life
Source: Silvaze_4_life, Sumopaint
Okay, to start, there were only about 1,200 प्रशंसकों in this club when I started up, but almost every single one of them was active, minus the club owner. My प्रशंसक base took off quickly, rising to 45 in the first month, making me think I'd have a lot of fun with this site. And I did. Up until a short while ago, this club was the only club I'd ever play on. That was when I figured out how to make my own club, and the drama began...
Let me tell you, I'm not a big guy on fighting, verbally या physically, but once my ADHD sets off, you'd better run the other way FAST. The first person to learn this...
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posted by Giz_4ever
All I ever wanted was to see आप smiling
I know that I प्यार you
Oh baby why don?t आप see
All I ever wanted was to see आप smiling
All I ever wanted was to make आप mine
I know that I प्यार you
Oh baby why don?t आप see
That all I ever wanted was आप and me
All I ever wanted was to see आप smiling
All I ever wanted was to make आप mine
I know that I प्यार you
Oh baby why don?t आप see
That all I ever wanted was आप and me (you and me)

I'm so alone
Here on my own
And I'm waiting for आप to come
I want to be a part of you
Think of all the things we could do
And every दिन you?re in my head
I want to have आप in my...
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posted by zutaradragon
Let's start with saying this...I was told that I was made using part of the DNA of another hedgehog 1 of Father's family members made...some1 named Shadow is geneticly my brother...a guy named Robotnic. I guess that makes Robotnic my grandpa. Knowing this, he also कहा that he made me so I would b different...better....supposedly. But I...I'm a monster...just like the others...only un-like them...well...they have 3 different forms, rite? Regular, demon, and were form...I have not only my own soul but 2 other, evil souls that inhabbit me. They try 2 take over and it shows in my 2 other...“forms”....
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posted by SonicWerehog_2
Samson Werecat
Washington D.C.
Cat Scratch Street

Dear David Creature,
    My daughter Katie needs your help. She goes out when ever she feels like it, and usually doesn’t return until the अगला day. Plus, I think she goes out and hunts for food. My real concern is that she’ll get caught द्वारा the W.C.A. (Were-creature Control Agency) If she gets caught, how am I suppose to get her back? I just want my little girl safe.

    Samson Werecat
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posted by TakTheFox
Chapter four
(Sept 19th Friday)

It was two और days until the rain had finally stopped. The students who had decided to play sick were found out and school was becoming more-less normal again. From Saturday through Sunday the students were allowed off campus, and could virtually go anywhere they wanted to. They were however दिया special injections of a tacking fluid, as to ensure they did not get लॉस्ट या were gone too long. It was not a painful process, and the liquid was not harmful, but the students did not enjoy the lack of privacy it made.

On Friday though it was a nice day. Grace enjoyed...
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added by TakTheFox
Source: ME! THE AIR! PIE!
added by Milesprowerfan
Source: Me
added by breezethecat
Source: breezethecat
added by Spoonerism
Source: Art & Character (c) Me
posted by silveranime122
 ~MADE द्वारा GUARDIANKEY'S~Well....Nobody know's THIS one...'Cause me and GuardianKey's were TEXTING RP.If आप want me to tell what's it's about,just put it in the comment's below!~Anyway's...I'm the Enchinda,and the other one is Platinum(GuardianKey's FC)
~MADE BY GUARDIANKEY'S~Well....Nobody know's THIS one...'Cause me and GuardianKey's were TEXTING RP.If you want me to tell what's it's about,just put it in the comment's below!~Anyway's...I'm the Enchinda,and the other one is Platinum(GuardianKey's FC)
Wow...I have been though SO many Rp's :3
And I decided to share all the photo's and crap. XD WELL....


Not alot...But OH WELL XD I just wanted to share memories! 8D

THANK आप for whoever RP'd with me before!! I प्यार doing it! :3 Espically with आप guy's!

I hope for some AWSOME RP'S in the future!!
*dances randomly XD*



 ~MADE द्वारा TAKTHEFOX~...Well...XD YEP!Zac and Rynk KISSING.
 ~MADE द्वारा GUARDIANKEY'S~A RP WWAAYYY back in like...July?I donno XD This one was how we started RPing together! The little one is Mintz(GuardianKey's FC) and the other one is Dom in toxic form. :3
~MADE BY GUARDIANKEY'S~A RP WWAAYYY back in like...July?I donno XD This one was how we started RPing together! The little one is Mintz(GuardianKey's FC) and the other one is Dom in toxic form. :3
 ~MADE द्वारा MEPHILESTHEDARK~....Just....too epic....I even PRINTED it out!!I loved it So much!
~MADE BY MEPHILESTHEDARK~....Just....too epic....I even PRINTED it out!!I loved it So much!
 ~MADE द्वारा GUARDIANKEY'S~SO......ADORABLE!! :3 Girl is Lilia and the boy is Blizzard(GuardianKey's FC)
~MADE BY GUARDIANKEY'S~SO......ADORABLE!! :3 Girl is Lilia and the boy is Blizzard(GuardianKey's FC)
 Just for fun! XD
Just for fun! XD
posted by MephilesTheDark
Hm, okay, so, we're all familiar with Operation: Cheer up Mef, arn't we?

If not, go read Dib's and Nny's articles; Operation: Cheer up Mef & Operation: Cheer up Mef- THE SECOND.

Personally, I want to thank these two the most. Dib, it was YOUR idea for this whole 'Operation,' and Nny, आप were the most contributous- TWO GIFTART PICTURES!? AND AN ARTICLE?! Damnit, आप must care about me a LOT. I'll promise not to explode your head.

That's not to say I'm not also extreamly greatful also to the following;

All of...
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First Name: Drakero (Drai-kee-row)

Name Origin: His name comes for a portmanteau of "Drake" and "hero".

Middle Name: Almaldo (Al-mall-doe)

Last Name: Bonsachei ( Bon-sa-chei)

~Family Relations~

Almaldo (Father)

Drei (Mother)

Draco (Older Brother)

Ku (Sister)

Drapy (Younger Brother)

Hercul (Grandfather from Almaldo's Side)

Jilgma (Grandmother from Almaldo's Side)

Lumina (Grandmother from Drei's Side)

Drahon (Grandfather from Drei's Side)

Darby (Cousin)

~Friend/Foe Relations~

Silver (Best Friend)

Blaze (Close Friend)

Marine (Close Friend)

Sonic (Friend)

Knuckles (Friend)

Tails (Friend)

Shadow (Acquaintance)...
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added by Evolia-Wulf
Source: patilly1oo of Chickensmoothie. Evolia is my character
added by cookiemaster
Source: cookiemaster
added by HannahStickles8
Source: Me