Shaman King RP Club
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added by songoku1112
Source: July shaman
added by K5-HOWL
Source: idk
added by K5-HOWL
Source: um idk
added by K5-HOWL
Source: um idk
added by hiddennobodie
added by K5-HOWL
added by K5-HOWL
added by K5-HOWL
Hello there I am a SHaman King प्रशंसक and I am looking for role players to role play a Shaman King Role play idea with me. The idea takes place after the ऐनीमे series Shaman King and has a new story arc.

Now आप can contact me at and if आप got Deviantart contact me at Fairygal11.

आप must have the requirements to play:
-Know the दिखाना very well (Seen all the episodes, read the manga)
- Seen the dub version
- Know the characters
- Know to role play
- Have good time arrangement to play
- Plenty of free time

So please contact me if आप are interested in my idea.
added by K5-HOWL
added by hiddennobodie
added by K5-HOWL
added by K5-HOWL
added by K5-HOWL
This love, This Hate, Its burning me away
added by K5-HOWL