Am I the only one who thinks Grace Under Pressure is WAAAY underapprechiated? Between the Wheels is my favourite song EVER
पोस्टेड एक साल से अधिक पुराना
हे guys! Rush guitarist Alex Lifeson stopped द्वारा our studio and he's a guest on the Humble and फ्रेड podcast! Check us out on iTunes या
पोस्टेड एक साल से अधिक पुराना
Please do not try to start प्रशंसक wars. I do not like a lot of things but that does not mean that I should go to that club an trash-talk it. If आप do not like Rush then that is fine. Just do not be mean to Rush's fans. We all know that आप are looking for a reaction and this is it. I do not want to start anything but do not hurt us. I am speaking for the Rush fans. I do not think that आप would like it if I पोस्टेड something hateful on something that आप like. What makes आप think that we like it? I hope आप take this seriously and I am not trying to be mean. Thank आप :)एक साल से अधिक पुराना