Video clip here:
Capture me a Wookie
Kick a princess in the cookie
Sabotage the espionage of a Bothan spy
Activate the trash compactor
Let’s protect the main reactor
Stab a smuggler in the jugular and watch him die!
Corrupt a teen, from Tatooine
Manipulate a Gungan and kill Naboo’s Queen
Trap a Mon Calamari
Take a Tauntaun Hoth safari
Hit a topless bar on Mustafar with artist Ralph McQuarrie!
Number 13 find investors
Number 14 make a Death Star
While you're at it draw some plans up for my Death तारा, स्टार Two
Unmask a dirty Jawa
Crank Call General Dodonna
Clone a load of तोप fodder out of Camino!
Capture me a Wookie
Kick a princess in the cookie
Sabotage the espionage of a Bothan spy
Activate the trash compactor
Let’s protect the main reactor
Stab a smuggler in the jugular and watch him die!
Corrupt a teen, from Tatooine
Manipulate a Gungan and kill Naboo’s Queen
Trap a Mon Calamari
Take a Tauntaun Hoth safari
Hit a topless bar on Mustafar with artist Ralph McQuarrie!
Number 13 find investors
Number 14 make a Death Star
While you're at it draw some plans up for my Death तारा, स्टार Two
Unmask a dirty Jawa
Crank Call General Dodonna
Clone a load of तोप fodder out of Camino!