Recess हैलोवीन

PiiXiiE posted on Oct 12, 2009 at 01:53PM
i'm going as Spinelli this year for Halloween! My fiancé will be Vince and my brother will be TJ! :D

having some issues finding the tights/leggings though. any suggestions?
 i'm going as Spinelli this साल for Halloween! My fiancé will be Vince and my brother will be TJ!

Recess 2 उत्तरों

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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना MrReptar said…

Well, I hope it went good because I like recess.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना PiiXiiE said…
Well, this was was a year and a half ago, but yes, thank you, it DID go well!
I posted a picture of myself as Spinelli, my now-husband, then-fiancé as Vince, and my brother as Gus (with photo for comparison).
 Well, this was was a साल and a half ago, but yes, thank you, it DID go well! I पोस्टेड a picture of