Here's how to get unlimited bolts on Planets Rilgar and Kalebo III.
What आप need.
• A copy of the original Ratchet and Clank.
• A PS2 या PS3.
• A memory card with save file that is up to Planets Rilgar या Kalebo III.
• The Gadgetron Hologuise.
• The Taunter.
How to do it.
• Go to the hoverboard race manager on either of these planets.
• Equip the Hologuise and enter a race while wearing it.
• आप should find yourself on the hoverboard track, walking.
• Take off the Hologuise and equip the Taunter.
For Planet Rilgar.
• Find the massive jump that is about 2 thirds of the way through the...
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