The good part of the story of Prince of टेनिस starts when Ryoma Echizen joined the Seigaku regulars and it ends when they won the National Tournament and became National टेनिस Champions.As आप see,the excitement and the thrill in the ऐनीमे starts when he joined the regulars because Ryoma fights diff. टेनिस players with their diff. playing styles from other teams with his teammates.You will be excited and you'll even say "who's gonna win?" या like "What team is their अगला opponent?" या even "Will they make it to the Nationals?".without the Seigaku regulars,the POT will lack excitement and suspense.So as thanks for the regulars,i made an लेख about them.
So,let's start!!!
Let's start with our main protagonist Ryoma!!!
Ryoma Echizen,the main character of POT,has talent in टेनिस he inherited from his father,Nanjiroh Echizen.He's cool and stubborn,very attractive to girls and idolized द्वारा many people.He always wears his टोपी and he always say his famous catchphrase "Mada Mada Dane" which means आप still have a long way to go to his enemies.He's really born in america and won 4 times in the American Junior टेनिस Tournament.His best friend in the regulars is Momoshiro Takeshi.He eats a lot sometimes like his senior,Momoshiro Takeshi.And also,Sakuno and Tomoka has a big crush on Ryoma.He played टेनिस because he wanted to beat his father but he later realizes that he wants to beat his captain,Tezuka Kunimitsu after their battle.But now,he wants to surpass every टेनिस player in the world.He won the US open and lead the Seigaku to be the National champion.He aims to be the best टेनिस player in the world.He can play with both his right hand and left just like Tezuka.He unlocked the 3 doors of Muga no Kyouchi.
Momoshiro Takeshi,the सेकंड साल power player,is Ryoma's best friend and nicknamed Momo.He's great at pulling out unexpected tricks during टेनिस matches which fakes and confuses his opponents.He has a rivalry between Kaidoh Kaoru.He calls Kaidoh Viper.He's also strong and always active.He always eat a lot.He's good at both singles and doubles.He also has a rival from Fudomine,which is Kamio Akira.When he performs a dunk smash,he always says "Don".He also developed a dunk smash that bounces in बिना सोचे समझे direction.He also has the ability to read the opponent's movements and to observe their viewpoints and expression allows Momoshiro to guess where the ball will go and use shots that will confuse his opponents.He loves to eat hamburgers.He is also close to Eiji Kikumaru.
Kaidoh Kaoru,the most stubborn of them,is always partnered with Inui Sadaharu.He's signature हटाइए is the Snake,which is very similar to Buggy Whip Shots.He later develops Boomerang Snake,Short Snake and the Tornado Snake.He produces the sound Fsssssshhhhhhhh when exhaling which is similar to the sound of a snake.That's why Momoshiro calls him Viper,which pisses him off.He joined the टेनिस club because he's amazed of Momoshiro so he wanted to surpass him.Kaidoh trains almost everyday and when he loses,he doubles his training program.Kaidoh has great stamina.That's why he is partnered with Inui.He holds off his enemies while Inui is collecting data.He's close to Inui Sadaharu.He also copied Yagyuu Hiroshi's Laser beam calling it gyro, ग्यो Laser and he developed a devil mode of himself just like Akaya Kirihara.
Eiji Kikumaru,the acrobatic specialist,is very active and funny.Together with Oishi Shuichiroh,they're are considered as the Golden Pair.Eiji will focus the attention of their opponents and Oishi will hit a unexpected Moon Volley.Though he is good at singles,he hates it because he कहा he hates being alone.He's सील, मुहर step is very good at singles because it fools the eyes of his opponents द्वारा quickly moving from one place to another letting the opponent see him as two.He always says hoi hoi when playing tennis.He is always featured as a cat in चीबी episodes.Since Eiji joined the टेनिस club,he became a friend of Oishi.He is very friendly and he found the data टेनिस of Inui boring.Eiji is predictable and his weakness is lack of stamina.But he surpassed all of his weaknesses द्वारा training.
Inui Sadaharu,the data टेनिस player,plays टेनिस द्वारा collecting data and using it to his opponent.To others,he's weird and freaky but to others,they think that he's data टेनिस is can always find him collecting data from players from other teams so that he can use them against them.They're training program of the regulars came from Inui because he has the data of the regulars and he can see the weaknesses of the regulars.He always train Kaidoh to pull out Kaidoh's true potentials.Though he can't get the full data of Tezuka Kunimitsu and Fuji Syusuke because they always finishes their matches before they even get serious.He inherited his data टेनिस from his former doubles partner Yanagi Renji.Tezuka has trust on him in training and improving the regulars.Inui creates disgusting but healthy drinks as punishment in training to push the regulars in their training.
Takashi Kawamura,the strongest in the regulars in terms of strength,is actually gentle and quiet but when he gets a grip on his racket he enters his Burning mode where he is aggressive and always shouts at loud "BURNING".At first,his seniors called him Homerun boy and they discourages Taka because he always blows up the ball because of his incredible strength.He लॉस्ट hope in playing टेनिस but the peer encouraged him द्वारा saying their envious because of Taka's strength.He copied the हटाइए Hadoukyuu from Ishida Tetsu.Then he later develops 4 other styles of Hadoukyuu.In his last match in the original series against Ishida Gin,he developed the strongest,ultimate Hadoukyuu.He is a friend of Akutsu Jin.
Oishi Shuichiroh,the player who has great accuracy,is Eiji's best friend.He has great accuracy which enables him to perform his signature हटाइए Moon volley.He's best at doubles with Kikumaru Eiji.He's the vice captain of seigaku.Though he's the weakest among the regulars,the regulars respects him just like they do with Tezuka.He organizes the team when Tezuka is not around.Oishi is queit and he leads the team and give commands nervously.Sometimes,he is not sure with his decisions.Oishi is a great friend because he do the things to his फ्रेंड्स just like a brother.He is a close friend of Tezuka.
Syusuke Fuji,the tensai,is the most mysterious of them all.He is very attractive to girls and he is cool to boys.He plays टेनिस for thrill and doesn't play seriously but that changed in their long awaited match against Tezuka kunimitsu.He has three signature moves and calls it Triple Counters,but later he developed the fourth counter,he upgraded the Triple Counter,develops the fifth counter and the sixth counter.Some players think that he is और formidable opponent than he Tezuka.He is very protective for his प्यार ones,especially Yuuta,his brother.Since first year,he's hiding his true strength.He is quiet and cool.He opens his blue eyes when he is getting serious या angry.He proclaimed that he doesn't lose to an opponent twice.He is also a friend of Tezuka.When he's opponent is stronger than him in a match,he always surpasses his opponent no matter what.
Tezuka Kunimitsu,their national level captain,is very strict and quiet.He always pushes himself to his limits for his teammates.He is even respected द्वारा professional players.He is cool and also attractive to girls and idolized द्वारा many too.He has an injury caused द्वारा his senior when he was a first year.He hates people that uses टेनिस to hurt people.His techniques is hard to beat so many considered him as a national level player and many respected and feared him.He always do his best for the team.Even his टेनिस career is on the line,he always continues in the battle.Before the nationals,he came to Germany to heal his injury and for the sake of his team.He's loyal to his teammates.when he was a first साल student,he only uses his right arm in order to not put his seniors in shame.He always says "Yudan sezu ni ikou" which means do no let your guard down.He unlocked the 2 doors of Muga no Kyouchi.
well,it's the Seigaku Regulars for you.Let's all thank the Seigaku Regulars for making POT the best!!!!!!!
hope आप enjoyed!
So,let's start!!!
Let's start with our main protagonist Ryoma!!!
Ryoma Echizen,the main character of POT,has talent in टेनिस he inherited from his father,Nanjiroh Echizen.He's cool and stubborn,very attractive to girls and idolized द्वारा many people.He always wears his टोपी and he always say his famous catchphrase "Mada Mada Dane" which means आप still have a long way to go to his enemies.He's really born in america and won 4 times in the American Junior टेनिस Tournament.His best friend in the regulars is Momoshiro Takeshi.He eats a lot sometimes like his senior,Momoshiro Takeshi.And also,Sakuno and Tomoka has a big crush on Ryoma.He played टेनिस because he wanted to beat his father but he later realizes that he wants to beat his captain,Tezuka Kunimitsu after their battle.But now,he wants to surpass every टेनिस player in the world.He won the US open and lead the Seigaku to be the National champion.He aims to be the best टेनिस player in the world.He can play with both his right hand and left just like Tezuka.He unlocked the 3 doors of Muga no Kyouchi.
Momoshiro Takeshi,the सेकंड साल power player,is Ryoma's best friend and nicknamed Momo.He's great at pulling out unexpected tricks during टेनिस matches which fakes and confuses his opponents.He has a rivalry between Kaidoh Kaoru.He calls Kaidoh Viper.He's also strong and always active.He always eat a lot.He's good at both singles and doubles.He also has a rival from Fudomine,which is Kamio Akira.When he performs a dunk smash,he always says "Don".He also developed a dunk smash that bounces in बिना सोचे समझे direction.He also has the ability to read the opponent's movements and to observe their viewpoints and expression allows Momoshiro to guess where the ball will go and use shots that will confuse his opponents.He loves to eat hamburgers.He is also close to Eiji Kikumaru.
Kaidoh Kaoru,the most stubborn of them,is always partnered with Inui Sadaharu.He's signature हटाइए is the Snake,which is very similar to Buggy Whip Shots.He later develops Boomerang Snake,Short Snake and the Tornado Snake.He produces the sound Fsssssshhhhhhhh when exhaling which is similar to the sound of a snake.That's why Momoshiro calls him Viper,which pisses him off.He joined the टेनिस club because he's amazed of Momoshiro so he wanted to surpass him.Kaidoh trains almost everyday and when he loses,he doubles his training program.Kaidoh has great stamina.That's why he is partnered with Inui.He holds off his enemies while Inui is collecting data.He's close to Inui Sadaharu.He also copied Yagyuu Hiroshi's Laser beam calling it gyro, ग्यो Laser and he developed a devil mode of himself just like Akaya Kirihara.
Eiji Kikumaru,the acrobatic specialist,is very active and funny.Together with Oishi Shuichiroh,they're are considered as the Golden Pair.Eiji will focus the attention of their opponents and Oishi will hit a unexpected Moon Volley.Though he is good at singles,he hates it because he कहा he hates being alone.He's सील, मुहर step is very good at singles because it fools the eyes of his opponents द्वारा quickly moving from one place to another letting the opponent see him as two.He always says hoi hoi when playing tennis.He is always featured as a cat in चीबी episodes.Since Eiji joined the टेनिस club,he became a friend of Oishi.He is very friendly and he found the data टेनिस of Inui boring.Eiji is predictable and his weakness is lack of stamina.But he surpassed all of his weaknesses द्वारा training.
Inui Sadaharu,the data टेनिस player,plays टेनिस द्वारा collecting data and using it to his opponent.To others,he's weird and freaky but to others,they think that he's data टेनिस is can always find him collecting data from players from other teams so that he can use them against them.They're training program of the regulars came from Inui because he has the data of the regulars and he can see the weaknesses of the regulars.He always train Kaidoh to pull out Kaidoh's true potentials.Though he can't get the full data of Tezuka Kunimitsu and Fuji Syusuke because they always finishes their matches before they even get serious.He inherited his data टेनिस from his former doubles partner Yanagi Renji.Tezuka has trust on him in training and improving the regulars.Inui creates disgusting but healthy drinks as punishment in training to push the regulars in their training.
Takashi Kawamura,the strongest in the regulars in terms of strength,is actually gentle and quiet but when he gets a grip on his racket he enters his Burning mode where he is aggressive and always shouts at loud "BURNING".At first,his seniors called him Homerun boy and they discourages Taka because he always blows up the ball because of his incredible strength.He लॉस्ट hope in playing टेनिस but the peer encouraged him द्वारा saying their envious because of Taka's strength.He copied the हटाइए Hadoukyuu from Ishida Tetsu.Then he later develops 4 other styles of Hadoukyuu.In his last match in the original series against Ishida Gin,he developed the strongest,ultimate Hadoukyuu.He is a friend of Akutsu Jin.
Oishi Shuichiroh,the player who has great accuracy,is Eiji's best friend.He has great accuracy which enables him to perform his signature हटाइए Moon volley.He's best at doubles with Kikumaru Eiji.He's the vice captain of seigaku.Though he's the weakest among the regulars,the regulars respects him just like they do with Tezuka.He organizes the team when Tezuka is not around.Oishi is queit and he leads the team and give commands nervously.Sometimes,he is not sure with his decisions.Oishi is a great friend because he do the things to his फ्रेंड्स just like a brother.He is a close friend of Tezuka.
Syusuke Fuji,the tensai,is the most mysterious of them all.He is very attractive to girls and he is cool to boys.He plays टेनिस for thrill and doesn't play seriously but that changed in their long awaited match against Tezuka kunimitsu.He has three signature moves and calls it Triple Counters,but later he developed the fourth counter,he upgraded the Triple Counter,develops the fifth counter and the sixth counter.Some players think that he is और formidable opponent than he Tezuka.He is very protective for his प्यार ones,especially Yuuta,his brother.Since first year,he's hiding his true strength.He is quiet and cool.He opens his blue eyes when he is getting serious या angry.He proclaimed that he doesn't lose to an opponent twice.He is also a friend of Tezuka.When he's opponent is stronger than him in a match,he always surpasses his opponent no matter what.
Tezuka Kunimitsu,their national level captain,is very strict and quiet.He always pushes himself to his limits for his teammates.He is even respected द्वारा professional players.He is cool and also attractive to girls and idolized द्वारा many too.He has an injury caused द्वारा his senior when he was a first year.He hates people that uses टेनिस to hurt people.His techniques is hard to beat so many considered him as a national level player and many respected and feared him.He always do his best for the team.Even his टेनिस career is on the line,he always continues in the battle.Before the nationals,he came to Germany to heal his injury and for the sake of his team.He's loyal to his teammates.when he was a first साल student,he only uses his right arm in order to not put his seniors in shame.He always says "Yudan sezu ni ikou" which means do no let your guard down.He unlocked the 2 doors of Muga no Kyouchi.
well,it's the Seigaku Regulars for you.Let's all thank the Seigaku Regulars for making POT the best!!!!!!!
hope आप enjoyed!