Powerpuff Girls and Rowdyruff Boys Club
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added by Jonesey133
Source: The Rowdyruff Boys Movïe Recast Meme द्वारा Joshuat1306 On DevïantArt
added by nami655
added by nami655
added by nowucme2
Source: Yana
added by Teodora8769
posted by keEeEeToOo
"What a beautiful starry night, right Boomer?" कहा Bubbles. "Yeah, just like you" Boomer smilled. Bubbles smilled him back. "Thanks Boomer... hey, what's those?" asked Bubbles. They saw two shiny, red and green lights in the dark sky. Then Boomer कहा "They are li- Bubbles? Bubbles!" Boomer screamed. "Hey! Who the hell are you?! Let me go!" Bubbles looked at "unknown" strangely but she still was unhappy. "No way! I'll never let आप तारीख, दिनांक with my Boomer!" कहा "unknown". "What are आप talking about?" asked Bubbles with a very strangely accent. "Don't be a baby! Boomer isn't your coupple, so...
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added by ppgFireball
Narrator: The Utonium home, where the girls are getting ready for tonight's party!

Blossom: Does my hair seem okay? I want to make sure I impress Di-Brick...

Bubbles: Yeah, it looks great. But do my shoes match my outfit well enough? I couldn't buy new ones for it.

BC(buttercup): Are आप crazy? Those couldn't go any better with it!

*Blossom/Bubbles gawk in amazement*

BC: I'm not that tomboy-ish anymore, and आप both should know that judging द्वारा what IM wearing. >(

Bubbles: We knew that, it's just we thought आप didn't care somuch as what others wear besides yourself.

Blossom: Buttercup.... never...
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added by bcthestrongest
added by fefe2002
 Wow, Kristina is SO ugly!
Wow, Kristina is SO ugly!
Kristina's Perspective

I think I'll burn everything Nishka loves. Then she won't like Vincent! Than Vincent will fall in प्यार with me! Oooooohhhhhhh, I cannot wait to activate my plan!!

But every boy in the school loves Nishka. Every girl likes her. So how should I do this???

Vincent's Perspective

Haha! Yessssss! Woooo-ooooo! Ooooohoohoohoo! I know you're probably wondering why I'm adding so crazy! That's because I asked Nishka to marry me! And she कहा yes!!!! This is a dream come true!

And yeah, I activated my evil plan. I'm sorry, but I will have to tell आप what I did later!

Nishka's Perspective...
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added by fefe2002
added by ritathecat
added by tato-blossom
added by fefe2002
added by heeeeeeeeeeeey
Source: angela sirmay
Blossom: What are आप doing here?

Brick: We're going to school here.

Bubbles: *cries*

Boomer: Oh great! In school with a crybaby!

Buttercup: SHUT UP BABY! Uhh... What's up with bouncy?

Butch: *Rubs head and gets up* Uhn...

Bubbles: Bouncy?

Boomer: The time we met again?

Bubbles: Oh yeah!

*Inside school*

Ms. Keane: Ok class! Welcome to Pokey Oaks! Im your teacher, Ms. Keane! We have some very special students in our class again this year! Please welcome, the PowerPuff Girls!

*class cheers*

Brick: *Shoots spitball at Blossom*

Blossom: HEY!

Boomer: *snickers and wedgies Bubbles from behind*

Bubbles: YOW!

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added by nami655