"What a beautiful starry night, right Boomer?" कहा Bubbles. "Yeah, just like you" Boomer smilled. Bubbles smilled him back. "Thanks Boomer... hey, what's those?" asked Bubbles. They saw two shiny, red and green lights in the dark sky. Then Boomer कहा "They are li- Bubbles? Bubbles!" Boomer screamed. "Hey! Who the hell are you?! Let me go!" Bubbles looked at "unknown" strangely but she still was unhappy. "No way! I'll never let आप तारीख, दिनांक with my Boomer!" कहा "unknown". "What are आप talking about?" asked Bubbles with a very strangely accent. "Don't be a baby! Boomer isn't your coupple, so...
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