If u haven't already seen the लेखाए made buy this "preppy gurl" bitch, here's one of them...all of them are sooo offending, & untrue. she has one insulting Bellatrix, & another one called "Helena Bonham Carter sucks and should be deported" & says that Kristen Stewart, Lindsey Lohan, & Miley Cyrus are much better actressses...I mean everyone has their own opinions, but she's going on & on about it, & it's sooo rude!!! she makes all twilight प्रशंसकों look like unintelligent bitches...
on the bottom i पोस्टेड some लिंक्स दिखा रहा है some of the लिंक्स she wrote...
on the bottom i पोस्टेड some लिंक्स दिखा रहा है some of the लिंक्स she wrote...