Placebo Club
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posted by xspacemonkeyx
I am aware, im लेखन this 2 years after the album came out- i write these mainly because i want to write लेखाए as a career, and for fun.I'd appreciate constructive criticism, if आप could . thanks.

Three years after the release of iffy 'Sleeping With Ghosts', Placebo returned with 'Meds' forgetting once and for all the androgyny and mystery that had surrounded them a few years before. While the 2003 release saw the band edging away from that, 'Meds' confirmed what every प्रशंसक knew would eventually happen- Molko and co. would grow up.
Meds is a celebration of all their past music, all rolled...
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All People Here For One Reason, संगीत . . Too Much People Here From
Different Countries, Different Cultures, Different Ages, Different
Lifestyle But One Same प्यार ! PLACEBO - Their संगीत Is और Addictive ...Than Anything. Their Lyrics, Mostly Talking About The Fake And
Disgusting Relations Between People. . Some Of Them Are So Special Talking About Love, Hate, Depression, Melancholy, Drugs, Politics etc... So, Placebo Is Something Special For Us. Because Of Their Music, We Can Share Our Problems And Feel Better . . . That Is What Makes Them Special. . . Placebo 16/07/1996 -- 08/08/2010 ♥ ♥ ♥