Phinbella Club
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posted by drillz

yes i will marry आप phineas कहा Isabella.
great now all we need to do is plan it.
already done phineas ive already planned one in my back yard. really that's phineas lets go
after the wedding

wow isabella that when well. yes yes it did. so were
are we sleeping to night your place या mine? hmm yours. ok. so they went up stairs and ran into phineas's room stripped off and got in his bed

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the अगला day

phineas and isabella woke up and got dressed
wow phineas...
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added by IsabellaFanboy
Source: DokiFanArt
added by phinbellafan15
posted by phinbella4ever
phineas,ferb and isabell r all grown up and r living side द्वारा side

the regular happens as isabella walks through the door "wat-cha doin?" phineas says "i wonder who that could be" izzy giggles as phineas tells her "we are making blueprints for a house they could stay in, i mean we see each other everyday." isabella says"can i stay too" she कहा as she got closer to his face he blushes as he tells hes sure.
-----------------------2 weeks pass----------------------------"ok ferb and isbella get ur stuffed packed"phineas कहा as he walk inside.a सेकंड diddnt even pass when isabella walks inside"oh...
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added by hermibella_16
added by IsabellaFanboy
added by Isabella-G-S
Source: Meee~~
added by IsabellaFanboy
posted by Phinabellqa
One night in Phineas and Ferb's bacyard Phineas and Isabella ,both were 19, were talking and holding hands when Phineas pulled Isabella close to him and Isabella blushed and कहा "I प्यार you." "Great,would आप care to दिखाना me how much?" he कहा in a sexy,seductive voice.He pressed his lips against hers she opened her mouth and Phineas slipped in his tongue touching hers and exploring her mouth.After a moment of shock she did the same.When they broke apart Isabella said"We should get a room. Don't ya think?" "I couldn't agree more!"he said.He lifted her up and carried her up to his room.Nobody...
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added by bigpurplemuppet
Angela Lansbury
ब्यूटी एंड द बीस्ट
alan menken
added by funnygirlpop
posted by drillz
later that night ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
phineas i have to tell u something.what is it Bella ? phineas im pregnant. really that's amazing! i know but i just want it to happen u know.
well i know what to do.what??? isabella i know what im gonna do tomorrow. i haven't herd आप say that for 7 years. yea its been so long well lets get some sleep.

the अगला day
ok so u ready to do this isabella. yes phineas.ferb आग it up. phineas grabs isabella's hand and walked into the age-afire u ready isabella.yes yes i am.a giant flash blinded the couple as the room went dark

2 hours later
phineas how far did u speed up our life? only द्वारा 9 months.wait that means.yep only 12 hours until

2 be continued

should i continue ???
sorry if its short im just being lazy today
अगला one will be longer and out द्वारा 3/21/12
posted by violetpinkgirl
Linda rushed over to Vivians house and pulled her over like Candace usually does Linda.Vivian was so proud of Isabella for finally getting up the courage to किस Phineas

Isabella asked Linda and Vivian if she could spend-the-night at Phineas's house that night.They both कहा "sure" and Isabella started packing and then went over to Phineas's house

Before Linda and Lawrence left they कहा to Phineas and Isabella "Candace is over at Jeremy's, and Ferb is at a karate camp for 2 months,remember don't get in the बिस्तर together!"...
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Phineas and Isabella as Erik and Christine from Andrew's lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera.
andrew lloyd webber
the संगीत of the night
added by IsabellaFanboy
added by nuruh14