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added by athenaslytherin
added by greenstergirl
added by Natbr
Source: lovepercyjackson
For breakfast we had lucky charms. Grover started yelling at the box because he thought lepercauns were stupid and over rated. The दिन went pretty good. During वालीबाल, वॉलीबॉल Percy and I creamed the satyrs with some water and इंद्रधनुष action. My दिन went downfall during capture the flag though.

The game was Poseidon, Athena, Hermes, Iris, Hades (Nico was vacationing from the under world and staying at camp half blood for a bit), Apollo, and Hecate against, well all the other cabins.

"Ok guys. Heres our plan." Annabeth said. "Nico and the Hecate kids will all guard the flag. Apollo, आप guys will...
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posted by van_1197
okay now i just saw deleted scenes from percy jackson and to be truthful the moive would have been sooo much better with those scenes and like right now im super pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean they had the infirmary scene where annabeth first meets percy and it went just lkye the story well almost and lkye im sooo pissed i cant belivie they didnt put this shit in the moive (srry for the cursing) bt lkye if u want to see it for yourself go to यूट्यूब and type in percy jackson deleted scenes and click the scene in all caps. thank for reading
added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br tumblr
added by Natbr
Source: lovepercyjackson
added by Natbr
Source: lovepercyjackson
added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br tumblr
added by Natbr
I don't know where to begin....all I know is that Rick Riordan wrote about my real-life...My name is Jason Pabon ( firstname: Jason...lastname: means Peacock of Hera, या Bird of Hera--coincidence?)...I grew up in Cicero...next to the Olympic Theater (Olympus?).....coincidence mother's name is Maia (noticed same name as Hermes' mother lesser goddess)....My whole life I've had weird dreams about the greek gods before I even knew who they were! Later Arcadia Circle, ...visitied Crete, IL...I made a painting of Hermes; messenger of the gods in high school....I was the fastest long distance runner...
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added by Natbr
added by Janek6
added by usernameinvalid
Source: @savelorien
added by airs_and_graces
added by Arwen_1995
Prelude- 11:37 P.M. Summer
    An eleven साल old girl is being chased द्वारा a monster. Up ahead is a farmplace. Little does she know that the farmplace is Camp Half-Blood. Safty, she thought, but not completly! The monster was catching up and was soon right behind her. She stopped. Bad mistake. The monster lunged and clawed her legs. Blood ozzed from the wounds. She tried to run. It lunged again, this time clawing her neck and back. I MUST at least get to those woods, she thought. So she ran to the woods with all her strenght.
    Somehow she लॉस्ट the monster in the woods. It howled and went away, angery it लॉस्ट its dinner.
    "I'm safe," she murmered and passed out.
So like? Will post soon. Avalible on fourm also. 3 fans/ comments= new chapter.
added by daydreamer505