Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Club
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Since Tommy and Kimberly are my प्रिय male and female Power Rangers of all-time, it should not come as a shock that they happen to be my प्रिय Power Rangers couple of all-time. I was heartbroken like everyone during the Power Rangers episode "There's No Business Like Snow Business Part 1" when Kimberly sent the Dear John letter to Tommy breaking his दिल and our hearts in the process. Deep down, I still believe in them and that they would end up back together. These two were meant to be and went through so much in their relationship from Tommy losing his Green Ranger powers twice to...
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Lord Zedd took over Rita Repulsa's moon palace and locks Rita up in the अंतरिक्ष कचरे के डिब्बे, कूड़ेदान again and then he sent Pirantishead to attack the Power Rangers. The Rangers tried everything they had to defeat Pirantishead, but he was too strong and powerful.Pirantishead goes and destroy the Dinozords staring with the Tyrannosaurus.

Pirantishead froze the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord and smashed it to pieces, ejecting Jason the Red Ranger and making him loose his powers. Then Pirantishead goes and tossed the Saber-Toothed Tiger Dinozord into a mountain, ejecting Trini the Yellow Ranger and making her loose...
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Tommy Oliver: You!
Robo Tommy: Who better to destroy the real Tommy Oliver than me?
Tommy Oliver: But unless आप got a Master Morpher, आप ain't nothing but a cheap copy.
Robo Tommy: This copy's gonna kick your butt.
Wes Collins: Tommy?
Gemma: Ah, you're free!
Tommy Oliver: Yeah. They didn't know that the Black Dino Thunder Ranger can turn invisible, and when I came to, I used that to escape - but the other Rangers, they're being held in his dungeon. He's cloning them into a massive army of Ranger-powered robots
Gemma: A massive army?
Levi Weston: That's why he wants to tear down the barriers. He's...
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Ever since I can remember, I've always loved Kimberly. She is one tough girl and has been through so much from getting द्वारा Lord Zedd who wanted her as his क्वीन and their enemies because she has been seen as Tommy's weakness. There is just something about her that I have liked since I was a little girl. In my opinion, she was good at fighting back against Rita, Zedd, and their henchmen whenever she was kidnapped द्वारा them. Kimberly could even hold her own with the guys. She was Tommy's equal and it is not simply because they are the Winged Lord and Lady of the Skies. Kimberly may have been kidnapped...
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Ever since I can remember, Tommy has always been my प्रिय male Power Ranger and I think one of the reasons is that he's the first bad Ranger gone good. I feel like Tommy has had a chip on his shoulder ever since the Green With Evil episodes of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. He has always shown that he had what it takes to be a true leader and overcome so many obstacles from being brainwashed द्वारा Rita and Gaskett as well as being targeted द्वारा Zedd simply because he saw him as Rita's greatest failure. None of the other Rangers that have come after had to deal with what Tommy had to deal with...
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