Long Distance Relationships If आप and your LDG/LDB have met in person already, how long after आप got together was it before आप met?

Pick one:
Less than a month.
Less than a month.
1 महीना - 3 months.
1 महीना - 3 months.
4 - 6 months.
4 - 6 months.
7 - 9 months.
7 - 9 months.
10 months - 1 year.
10 months - 1 year.
Over a साल but less 2 years.
Over a साल but less 2 years.
2 - 5 years.
2 - 5 years.
Over 5 years. { Dear god!}
Over 5 years. {Dear god!}
 NCISLuverjk93 posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
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