Just had this लेख pop up on my computer (I have a Tim Roth Alert thing) Apparently there is this guy who belongs to a Comic Book Movie प्रशंसक Site and he has decided that he has his own idea of re-casting the film The Incredible Hulk.
His टिप्पणी दे on his choice is as follows:
"He looks just like Tim Roth and could totally do a great Blonsky." (See चित्र at bottom)
Well I admit that I wear glasses, I have tried looking at this pix with and without them. I have tried closing one eye - then the other - Rose tinted Specs- I have tried upside down and sideways.....The ONLY conclusion I can come to is that the person that पोस्टेड this 'effort' is the one taht needs glasses!!!!
I mean, COME ON PEOPLE, I am not saying the guy in the pix is ugly या anything BUT...
No sexy, slightly wicked sparkle in the eyes. No charismatic, almost magnetic humour that our Mr Roth exudes.
Is it just me - can ANYONE see ANY similarity ????
His टिप्पणी दे on his choice is as follows:
"He looks just like Tim Roth and could totally do a great Blonsky." (See चित्र at bottom)
Well I admit that I wear glasses, I have tried looking at this pix with and without them. I have tried closing one eye - then the other - Rose tinted Specs- I have tried upside down and sideways.....The ONLY conclusion I can come to is that the person that पोस्टेड this 'effort' is the one taht needs glasses!!!!
I mean, COME ON PEOPLE, I am not saying the guy in the pix is ugly या anything BUT...
No sexy, slightly wicked sparkle in the eyes. No charismatic, almost magnetic humour that our Mr Roth exudes.
Is it just me - can ANYONE see ANY similarity ????
I am loving Lie To Me even more!
This is a दिखाना आप got to watch! ( TELL UR FRIENDS)
In the season finale (season 3) " Killers App " आप see not even और growing between Cal and Gillian, but what most प्रशंसकों say,
"Best episode ever!" " लोमड़ी, फॉक्स we need more!"
"When does season 4 start?!"
I'm demanding और as well. And as Lie To Me grows stronger and stronger, hitting और than 7 million views, प्रशंसकों are also demanding the writers to दिखाना और of what's between Cal and Gillian.
Until season 4 starts, I will enjoy reruns!
This is a दिखाना आप got to watch! ( TELL UR FRIENDS)
In the season finale (season 3) " Killers App " आप see not even और growing between Cal and Gillian, but what most प्रशंसकों say,
"Best episode ever!" " लोमड़ी, फॉक्स we need more!"
"When does season 4 start?!"
I'm demanding और as well. And as Lie To Me grows stronger and stronger, hitting और than 7 million views, प्रशंसकों are also demanding the writers to दिखाना और of what's between Cal and Gillian.
Until season 4 starts, I will enjoy reruns!