Liam Aiken and Emily Browning Links
After part 4: Liam and Beatrice talk about Emily at their house, and Liam asks for Beatrice's help for लेखन a song.
Liam and Beatrice get to the airport and finally reunite with Emily. The three of them talk for a while at a Bertucci's in Manhattan, and return to Liam and Beatrice's house afterwards.
After part 2: Liam has a dream, which is और like a memory, of something that happened 7 years पूर्व when he and Emily still knew each other, and were really good friends.
After part 1: Liam is about to read Beatrice's notebook, but hears Beatrice call his name from the living room. Emily is on the news, and Liam and Beatrice talk about it and Aurora, Beatrice's sister.
After the prologue: Liam and Beatrice are in their room, looking at some of Liam's pictures, when Beatrice sees a picture of him with Emily.
This is the beginning of a story I'm trying to type. They've been apart for 7 years, but are brought together द्वारा Liam's orphaned cousin, Beatrice, whos stroies brings back memories of their past.
This is another interview. It's kind of like the frist interview, but a little bit different.
This person on livejournal writes really good fanfictions. This is one of them.
I usually write fanfiction for the प्रशंसकों in the Klaus Baudelaire fanfictions club, but this is my first fanfiction for this couple, making me very nervous. The setting is explained in the story, and I hope आप enjoy it! Warning: Mushy-Gushyness.
This was an interview that I found quite amusing and entertaining with Liam Aiken and Emily Browning.