Bringing this over from the Leyton spot! We all contributed to putting this सूची of Leyton reasons together (although it was started द्वारा kelly!)..and I figured of all places, it should definitely be पोस्टेड in this spot as well! TEAM LEYTON FTW <3
Reasons that Lucas & Peyton belong together
#1. Because he stops playing बास्केटबाल, बास्केटबॉल, बास्केट बॉल just to watch her drive by. [1x01]
#2. Because he thinks "she's alright". [1x01]
#3. Because he loves her from afar. [S1]
#4. Because she loves him from afar too. [S1, S3, S4, S5]
#5. Because that's him inside her head. [1x01]
#6. Because he told her "all that", and...
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