Legally Blonde Club
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This spring the Premier Theatre Company in Asbury Park, N.J. will be producing the first New Jersey production of LEGALLY BLONDE: The Musical!!! The दिखाना will be at the historic Paramount Theatre a 1700 सीट theater designed द्वारा the same architects that build Grand Central Station in NYC. LEGALLY BLONDE is part of the Premier Theatre Company's spring season and will open on April 20th!

Auditions for the production will be held Friday January 20th at 7:00PM and Saturday January 21st at 11:00am! They will take place at the Premier Theatre Rehearsal अंतरिक्ष at 1100 Ocean Avenue, Asbury Park, NJ. Full details can be found on the company website

This is your chance to see if आप have what it takes to be ELLE WOODS!!! Hope to see आप at the Auditions!