Interview with Kate McKinnon and Emily Lynne द्वारा Leigh Fleyton for Refinery19, May 14, 2015.
1 fan
Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones will तारा, स्टार in the all-female 'Ghostbusters' reboot. लेख द्वारा Kevin Fallon for The Daily Beast, 27 JAN 2015.
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सूची द्वारा Sarah Karlan for Buzzfeed.
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सूची द्वारा Lea Ryan Monroe for Buzzfeed.
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For Glamour, August 2014.
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Interview द्वारा Davy Rothbart, photographs द्वारा Peter Yang. GQ, May 2014.
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Photoshoot and short interview द्वारा Robin Roemer for Autostraddle, June 2009.
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चित्र and short लेख about Kate in Forbes '30 Under 30' from 2012.
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Filmography, photos, videos, trivia, discussions...
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