Why do I want आप so?
If आप are my friend,
Why do आप make me dream no end?
If आप are my teacher,
Why do I see आप as my peach—err …
If आप are my sifu,
Why does my दिल race for you?
If आप are a couple of years older,
Why does my passion smoulder
Inside me—
Drive me krazy?
Why, why, why, Katara?
What kind of Avatar
Am I, I, I, Katara?
If आप are but a waterbender,
Why does my दिल feel so tender,
As if आप bent it with your eyes,
Your touch, your kiss?
When will आप realize
That I feel such painful bliss
For you, the one I miss,
Even if आप stepped away like this
Every second, every hour,
I wish आप would shower
Me with your affection,
‘Cos yours is my undivided attention!