Heyy guys, so I just wanted to officially write that, and some time अगला week when I get all of the info, I will be लेखन an लेख with what Joe sang each week and all of the Judge's टिप्पणियाँ plus my personal opinions! I'll also try to post phots, वीडियो etc, because we need to make this group the best it can be! If आप प्यार Joe, then शामिल होइए in and invite all of your friends!
Do it for Joe, our proud winner from South Shield, Northern England.
xxxx AliceRoxx xxxx :D
We all need to keep on downloading his song to get him to number 1! आप can buy it from iTunes या Amazon, या buy it on the shops. There are only a few days left, and it will be a distaster for him if he doesn't get there.
Do it for Joe and his career everyone!!!
xxx AliceRoxx xxx